Another Musk hit piece from the crew who slandered a 9 year old.
Yeah, let’s fire the visionary who is responsible for the company’s existence. FUCK OFF.
Jealous cuck assholes.
What kind of loser uses a spinning brush car wash?
Great - so now you have both IC and EV components that will BREAK and FAIL.
Whoever built this needs to get the shit beaten outta them.
No collector value and dinky motor.
He’s owed the money pay the man.
Michigan is Tehran now.
Just wait until the cheap EVs hit America and drive all out auto companies out of business - I’m sure all the $50/hr autoworkers can emigrate to Beijing to continue their careers for 50c/hr.
Whoever built that is a fucking idiot.
Same as your writing.
Jeezus Christ - the name and Native American caricature on the tank is a fucking hate crime.
Can’t wait until some asshole liberal tries to hotwire his EV into his home’s electrical system and burns down his neighborhood.
Wow - Geddy Lee certainly let himself go.
Written by liberal cucks who believe that being a creepy tranny and grooming children is a ‘human right’.
Need about a dozen good Americans to obliterate this crap with sledgehammers and kick that idiot bum’s ass.
LOVE IT! So creepy how libtards are sensitive to dead babies when all they do is try and turn live babies into dead babies.
He’s not ‘unhoused’, he’s a trespassing bum.