Like trannys?
Like trannys?
How about we just export the criminals? I can think of a suitable profile....
I’ll bet you $5 they also have massive tax problems.
She’s lucky we let her fly the planes we invented.
The Holden Armenta option - equip it and Jalopnik disappears!
Fuck you and your racist Irish = alcohol shit.
With Democrats doing what they do, surprised they didn’t call her a “man”.
So a shitty Indian knockoff of a shitty car.
Out of business by the end of this year.
Yeah ignore the fact that 50,000 people will be driving to the concert venue and back every fucking night because of you.
This is why we need more robots and less lazy Union humans.
Mid 60's green Corvette stuffed with classified documents.
Imagine that - not only can you carry a gun (and 2 knives) in your coat pocket, but those aren’t even searched. I wonder if the criminals know that???
Wow - people who live within their means and bought a used car for cash are doing well.
This publication is on deathwatch.
Jeez Louise - couldn’t those lazy bastards 200 years ago have picked their own cotton and now we wouldn’t have this problem???
It’s a plastic POS.
That creates INFLATION, which is probably keeping you from buying a house right now. THANKS JOE!!!!
Really? Learn about how inflation affects interest rates dumbass.
Depreciation happens even when you use up the car dumbass.