
Kill yourself.

Or boot the killer woman in the groin for murdering her child.

Sorry he didn’t deliver such a drug to your Mother, dude.

Imagine being asked to deliver a substance that will end a baby’s life. Awful.

Just awful.  Plus it’s a faggy electric car.

Modern Cadillacs are cheap plastic pieces of crap.

Or we won’t because no one cares.

Great way to get laughed at by other Porsche owners.

Wow that’s a modern liberal take - if you can’t afford something, steal.

No one cares how the sausages get made dude.  Just pump out the rad gamez.

He’s completely right.  Paying interest makes you poor.  For an elective purchase like a more fancy vehicle, it’s stupid.  Also generally has higher depreciation costs to eat more of your money.

Someone needs to get sued for intellectual property theft.

So much for the Democrat’s safety net.

Wake me up when her son is fucking his dead brother’s widow.

Just call AAA and let some illegal handle it.

You don’t need a fucking permit to install a camera on your own property.

Holden Armenta just ordered one!!

Wow - 2 vapid creeps insulting each other.  Stop the presses.


No one “starts” a career on a game show unless they eventually become the host.