Did Holden Armenta file his lawsuit yet?
Did Holden Armenta file his lawsuit yet?
You didn’t give two shits about her last week.
We’ve added almost $34T to the national debt since 2000 - where did it go? The Bidens couldn’t have stolen ALL of it.
So they’re just liars. Glad none of the GM employees supported Germany and sabotaged our equipment.
Yet another CORRUPT Democrat - But the Biden crime family makes him look like a punk.
Serves the asshole right.
Not even good as a kit car.
Why don’t we just gang up and take all their stuff?
Environmental assholes.
I got $5 that says all the Gawker websites will be out of business by end of 2024.
BAD for the environment.
$30k millionaires.
So this dork uses ‘solar tubes’ to light the warehouse where he stores parts to restore petroleum burning fossil fuel cars. NICE!
Yeah this is a national story. FILLER.
As close to a swinger as that dork is likely to get.
Wow - sounds like a ‘journalist’ just discovered how economics works.
No one wants this shit and toxic metals poison the Earth.
It’s awesome when stupid laws have unintended consequences.
No minorities.