
Lots of chargers in the woods!  LOL.

How fucking creepy.

Why you showing a WHITE guy as a criminal assholes?

Not buying it - dude is obviously a fruit.


Like you’ve ever been to a party.

Too bad they have to spend a paragraph  in this woman’s death articles about how she wasn’t with the Dixie Chicks when they disrespected America.

When I think of camping I always think Korean.

You have to have a micropenis to own this.

Wow - somebody got bribed to give oral to a crappy Indian motorcycle.

Anti-religious totalitarian assholes.

“Couldn’t they just put in a better one?”  Brilliant.

Screw that company for nicking Continental GT from Bentley.

This is some next level Soviet Gulag stuff.

Just like their SST destroyed Concorde.


Oh are you one of those lefties who hates corporations while enjoying everything they make to satisfy his needs and desires?

Newsflash - no they’re not.

WONG DUMBASS - you are required to identify yourself.  If you don’t you’re getting pulled out of the car and detained.

Yeah this makes a helluva difference.  LOL!!!