
Just means you’re gay and kind of a dick.

Another corpse on the pile including Squidbillies and Rick & Morty - you fuck the stars and you get broke.

YET, they encourage poisoning the planet by the mining of toxic heavy metals and coal-burning electric plants.

Where’s the part of the story where you show how no one was actually guilty of the offense???

So now it’s a coal-powered car.

Funny that they killed their own golden goose.  Kind of like Gawker!

Another black man who can’t control himself.

Wow - what vindictive assholes.

Jelly much?

Really?  So 12 people can out-shit and out-garbage 2 million people.  How stupid.

This is economically illiterate.  Anytime costs of production increase so does price.

Corporations don’t pay fines - their customers do.

Corporations don’t pay fines or taxes - their customers do.

Who cares about the foreign politics of the supply chain?  Just make my shit dude.

We don’t have enough. We do however have hundreds of years worth of fossil fuels available.  But stupid people  have convinced other stupid people that they are dangerous.

It’s OK because they’re electric!

Is this still a lesbo car?

So 9 people killed out of 350 million means we need to restrict the 350 million?  LOL.

How many people got cancer from eating his grilled meat?

His rig is just so white supremacist.