Why not? Racist assholes already tearing down statues - can anything they don’t like now be torn down?
Why not? Racist assholes already tearing down statues - can anything they don’t like now be torn down?
WOO HOO! Carjackers as apex predators!
Yeah he’s not BOUGHT AND PAID for like EVERY DEMOCRAT.
Yet SOMEHOW Hunter Biden can pull down a million a year from some company he never heard of. So what’s the secret? LOL!
Democrats are ugly people.
Lots of money spent while other humans live in tents on the street.
TWO total losers with fucked up families.
Yeah I hear it can’t really fly either. Go figure.
That bitch suing him for $11M is proof positive that he was right! All the while stealing from him.
OBAMA was broke, too when he became President. Somehow he turned 8 years as a federal public servant into tens of millions of dollars. And no bribes.
Looks like BLM attacking the Police.
How sick is it that these freaks want to change the Ohio Constitution to enshrine baby killing? Future humans will be horrified.
Even so they can’t seem to get rid of Kamala Harris. Did you know she rose to prominence as the sidepiece of powerful Democrat Willie Brown, a married man twice her age?
They should make any woman who wants an abortion to have to watch one.
How much is too much when saving lives?
Yeah but Obama’s gay.
Wow - this is just desperate.
They did the same thing with the red light ticket cameras.
What sort of a soulless monster gives money to advance killing babies?
She’s hoagly. He can do better.