
Being ratchet transcends race. You can be any ethnicity and be ratchet. Since there are more white people in the world, naturally there is a higher concentration of ratchet hoes. It all adds up when you think about it :)

That John cho episode was really good. Even watching it recently it really touched me

Agreed! Tommy did seem to be trying extra hard to get ghost to turn on Angela. Even more so than normal. Like he was plotting something. I think maybe deep down he does hold ghost responsible and wants Angie's head as pay back

You are so right. He is too pragmatic for such nonsense. He probably figured Tasha was as over it as he was. Not even realizing she is still in a great deal of pain. At first I read his little smirk as some kind of intent. It when I watched it again I realized that's just ghosts normal shit eating face. Lol

Its hard to believe Greg made it out of that but I am glad that he did. Now I am definitely curious to see his next move.
His hatred of Angela just makes my day. And her faux concern was just too fake for words so I am glad Greg wasn't buying any of that. That being said I could easily see her back in his bed with

Although I could not care less about a married man getting to be with his mistress the acting in that final scene absolutely slayed me. I couldn't believe I had real tears in my eyes. Angie's final little "I love you Jamie". Her choked sobs and his head on the door quietly crying himself. I never have felt an iota of

He was actually very scary for the first time. Holding that poor sweet baby. I was truly worried

I thought you guys were done with this show…
Glad I was wrong, definitely thought this was the best episode of the season if not the entire series.

Yes! That was pretty great.
Also had forgotten how shitty he was toward his sweet mother. What a little creep

That's a good theory. I have been thinking Kyle is some kind of angel or benevolent being. And I figured the outcast part was him being cast out of wherever the good guys hang out. Maybe because the demons are drawn to him so it put everyone at risk. But not necessarily Kyle as he is now. I think he might be

I said the same thing. That kid really sucks and his motives are confusing to me. And maybe I missed something but is it just that he is pissed because the reverend is seeing his single mother? He is almost grown…why would that bother him so much.

Yea lol! It's like come on man your feet are wrapped in Saran Wrap and you have no gun. No back up. Just let Duane have that round and live to fight another day

Seems like he would have killed him if that guy hadn't stopped it. You know you went too far when the hardened criminals are looking away. Can't wait to find out about naz's rage and where it really comes from

That's interesting! Megan's demon does seem very focused and determined. The others have seemed way more manic in those first few days. I wonder if her pregnancy affects the possession at all?
Really enjoying this show! Last night was the best episode of the season IMO

Great review, really enjoyed it :)

I didn't care for the daughter either. She acted too modern. For a minute I thought Brianna was a time traveler as well. From 2016! Lol
But I also loved the farewell. It made me cry

She did spare the actress. And even if she did take a new face it doesn't mean that she had to have killed anyone to get it. It's war time. I am sure there are lots of ways to get a face.
Killing for it does seem the least likely scenario

She has to be the number one suspect right. It was her trial and she wasn't there but everyone that was got blown up? It doesn't take Columbo to crack this case.
So it's strange that people wouldn't be protesting in the streets. We know the people of flea bottom are a volatile and vocal bunch and they already hated

This is where knowing how the faces worked would help us a lot. I think the person has to be dead to make their face accessible. But I am not positive. In the house of black and white, sick people were there all the time so they probably got a lot of faces by natural cause. But we know they assassinated people and got

Yes exactly! Littlefinger is going to be a problem