Sam Cel Roman

The actor playing Shinwell has performed MIRACLES with what is very lazy and confusing writing. First, he's obsessed with finding his daughter. No? Okay, now he's obsessed with "taking down" SBK's "top brass". And Sherlock gives him a pass on several occasions (including not tailing Joan to these last few

Not everything being dark is the one SOUR note of this episode? WTF?

I think the moral question and all the rest of it from the "doctors" was one huge feint. It's obvious what they're really after is the BLOOD. Why? I have no idea. But the only legitimate reason to take blood would've been to run tests on it, and it's clear that the "doctors" a) didn't have the facilities to test

"dancing around to a semi-sarcastic song about how much they love rock ’n’ roll"

Plus, as someone else said, why did they have hooded guys stashed around ready to drug and kidnap Bellamy? A more logical choice would be Jaha + Clarke doing their thing only now it's three outside: Bellamy, Octavia, Cane. Would've been way more dramatic too!

What is up with that black rain? Roan was a half second from killing Luna and then BOOM, black rain falls, Octavia scrambles for cover, and Luna stabs a BLINDED Roan.

supposedLY circulating ;)

Damn, that letter from the school is barely literate and needs some comma clean-ups too.

I'm with the reviewer. I would've LOVED more of Bo and Cheyenne's marriage rap and less of Glenn futzing around with Jeff.

The BBC just did a nearly identical series! Can't remember the name, but it wasn't as salacious (no word "slum" for instance). Quite educational, and they lived one week per decade of the late 1800s into the first decade of the 20th century.

I'm surprised no one's mentioned that not only was the song called "Protect Ya Neck", something that all trampoline users are recommended to do, but the opening includes a direct reference to '88, a year when Perfect Strangers was a hit show!

Japanese cowboy

Everyone here is saying Alex was drinking beer, but I thought he was guzzling down some kind of energy drink, which would make a lot more sense as he's supposed to be awake and ready to swoop in and pick up the others at a moment's notice. Since he doesn't know when they'll need rescuing, he needs to be alert and

I love the 100 and watch it every week. This episode was AMAZING. Was it batshit insane and full of plot holes and nonsense? DUH. It's the 100.

This is the second week in the row they've mixed up Echo and Luna.

Andy, are you goofing on Elvis?

The issue wasn't really being ID'd by the police. The issue was how you get a job. Most people required references before hiring you, which meant real conversations with people attesting for your qualities. And few poor people had the skills to produce written references. And even if you did forge a letter, it's

I've never even met Will Smith but I'm super pissed that the AV Club reviews just a few episodes of a show without even completing the gat-damn entire season! WTF! And my "favorite" is when they review everything BUT the season finale.

So "nice" of them to restrict viewing of a freaking TRAILER to just people in the United States. Great job!

Bring back the TripleCast!