
toyota 22r has gots to be it, with maybe a 22r/e for a close second.

Impressive for the physical sciences, but there's so much missing from the micro/neuro/med line it should be labeled "under construction."

BS. Until a 160GB SSD is less than this retail cost, you'll still be able to get an iPod classic.

@JackTrade: eww. Just got a mental image of him converting the pop-up trunk naked. Thanks a lot.

The Aztek was so fugly it deserves this list. Even if it was only designed in the 1990's, and didn't make it out the door until '01. Yes, that fugly.

@Rich Brabec: I thought that was him disguised in modern clothing.

3D should be renamed 3B

@benfreefly: Agreed that Maryann the pagan wonderbitch was a fucktarded plotline, but this season is (almost) redeeming itself.

Fuck my cable company and the HBO execs who won't ditch them. This is one of the only things keeping me tethered to cable. I'd pay for HBO-only subscription in a heartbeat.

Duh. Nothing to see here, except... oh.

@E30fernando: I vote for this one, too. It's one of my all time favorite videos - driving or not. There's something so viscerally peaceful about this version of the early morning rush - love it.

Toddy or bust.

Here's the whole set- ~1600 photos from the Library of Congress' flickr stream. Enjoy!

I don't care about CTS's or new Caddies, but I'm so stoked that the marketing wizards have finally started naming wagons wagons. 'nuf with this 'ute' and cross-over shit. They're wagons, dammit. Love 'em by name and move on.

oooooooooo... it's the MS Monolith!!

One of the best posts ever on any of Gawker's blogs

Tabbed out works in Austin, Dallas, and CHICO??? nice. I knew there was a lot of drinking to be had at Chico State, but this confirms.

@Purple Dave: OK. I'll give them that. Direct downwind speeds faster than wind is novel. But 'breaking rules of science' ?? It's obviously flaunting the laws of nature, not the mere rules of science!

Not that the gadget isn't cool, but c'mon folks - going faster than the wind isn't groundbreaking. Almost any sailboat (iceboat, sailcar, etc.) can go many times the speed of the wind driving them by going at an angle.

Wow... it looks just like a list that a guy my sister knows had two weeks ago. It was a list of the companies with big bandwidth that employ Gawker readers.