Yeah - no way something like the Bolt could have 240 mile range.
How dare you bring facts into this.
YES. This is why I was so taken with Lauren Duca’s response to Tucker Carlson badgering her in that well-publicized interview a few weeks back — she just laughed in his face. It deflates them like nothing else. And then you see the bully come out — hear Conway hissing “Not true! Unfair!” while Myers is speaking.
Take anyone successful at standup comedy and they will mop the floor when handling a buffoon.
Real Americans eat KFC*
*With a fork and knife on their private jet and have their assistant tweet a picture of it.
This. The false equivalencies this cycle were amazing.
Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.
Also, this:
“Clinton tries to ally herself with the “common folk,” but she comes of as pandering and fake. Trump does it too, but at least he seems real, especially when he is eating KFC.”
I think they are just making sure you know that your opinion is horrible and people like you are the worst thing that can happen to a democracy. Refreshing is such a lazy take when it comes to politics. “Oh I can’t understand the big words that Hillary says so I’m gonna vote for the idiot says small words!” Please go…
This is an incredibly shallow, stupid and lazy take. If you think piss is refreshing, make your own fucking glass, don’t make the rest of the country drink it with you you selfish stupid cuntfuck. Goddamit.
holy shit