
The problem I have with all of this is that everyone assumes that making a decent human is a "recipe" and if you do the right things and add the right ingredients, you are guaranteed a fantastic result. Of course everyone thinks they have the best recipe...or secret ingredient...but the bottom line is the same: the

But they're NOT flushable—even if they say they are. They will mess up your plumbing—your toilet plumbing, I mean!

Easy solution: don't wear thongs.

More proof that trolls aren't isolated shut-ins that are resentful and lonely - they are genuine psychopaths.

Also one very simple lesson. It is ok to try to make people feel joy. It's ok to feel joy. Joy is good especially when the premise of the film is ridiculous. This to me is why shows like Adventure Time work. Just go full on ridiculous with loads of sincerity and joy and it becomes infectious.

Of COURSE the collective narrative of trolls is wrong. Yeah, the traditional troll model is some 14-25 year old male with cheeto dust fingers, Mountain Dew, lol neckbeard, etc etc, but I've been using the internet since my preteens and I used to be a vile little shit, too, before I grew up and realized what a

Maybe he wears a very well tailored person suit.

What the hell is up with these porn gifs in the replies?

On a personal level, too, I got many reactions. On my Facebook, from my friends. It makes me feel satisfied about my work – at least the work I did is so impactful that I'm able to shed some light on this.

The restaurant, I should explain, was an old American restaurant situation in downtown Pittsburgh — a place where you need to explicitly ask for french fries NOT to be on your salad (Editor's Note: Goddamit, Pittsburgh, you're embarrassing yourself).

Somewhere an archaeologist is crying.

Yes, it's dismissive. But I also think that we're in an era of "slacktivism" where people get worked up over the terms of some company's product (often rightfully so) and automatically expect that it will be reversed to respond to the public outcry. I personally get tired of people complaining that the free service

Every time we talk about people not being able to afford things, someone always comes in with a comment that says "just live within your means and everything is fixed."

Science doesn't laugh, people laugh.

Does Emma Stone play an ambitious PhD student who is focused on getting a tenure track position and falls in love with a 26 year old PhD in the same department, thereby facing the "two body problem" of finding two positions together? Or does she have a tedious affair with a much older professor played by an actor in

You know, gross sexual life aside, I've never understood what people see in his work. I've always thought he was a derivative, no-talent hack, personally. He is to writing what Terry Richardson is to photography.

"Women Start More Shit Than Men!" is my new revolutionary slogan. Maybe throw a comma in thusly: "Women, Start More Shit Than Men!"

Cheers to you for saying that. Mom of 3 older kids here and I gotta say that nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than another mom trying to pass off a purely anecdotal experience as The Way [Pregnancy/Labor/Breastfeeding/General Parenthood] is For Everyone. I read the first reference to farts and thought I misread

No, it wasn't written for me, you're right. But I do think Tracy's essays (also, Tracie's, to a lesser degree) make motherhood sound terrible. Like, terrible enough for a firmly established non-mother to stop and say something.