
On a personal level, too, I got many reactions. On my Facebook, from my friends. It makes me feel satisfied about my work – at least the work I did is so impactful that I'm able to shed some light on this.

The restaurant, I should explain, was an old American restaurant situation in downtown Pittsburgh — a place where you need to explicitly ask for french fries NOT to be on your salad (Editor's Note: Goddamit, Pittsburgh, you're embarrassing yourself).

Yes, it's dismissive. But I also think that we're in an era of "slacktivism" where people get worked up over the terms of some company's product (often rightfully so) and automatically expect that it will be reversed to respond to the public outcry. I personally get tired of people complaining that the free service

Every time we talk about people not being able to afford things, someone always comes in with a comment that says "just live within your means and everything is fixed."

Does Emma Stone play an ambitious PhD student who is focused on getting a tenure track position and falls in love with a 26 year old PhD in the same department, thereby facing the "two body problem" of finding two positions together? Or does she have a tedious affair with a much older professor played by an actor in

You know, gross sexual life aside, I've never understood what people see in his work. I've always thought he was a derivative, no-talent hack, personally. He is to writing what Terry Richardson is to photography.

I'm really starting to be grateful for social media. Instead of having to go off and live in the woods to get away from ridiculous shit like this all I have to do is stay away from Facebook, Twitter etc. So I still get to enjoy the benefits of living in a large, cultured metropolis.

"Women Start More Shit Than Men!" is my new revolutionary slogan. Maybe throw a comma in thusly: "Women, Start More Shit Than Men!"

Cheers to you for saying that. Mom of 3 older kids here and I gotta say that nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than another mom trying to pass off a purely anecdotal experience as The Way [Pregnancy/Labor/Breastfeeding/General Parenthood] is For Everyone. I read the first reference to farts and thought I misread

No, it wasn't written for me, you're right. But I do think Tracy's essays (also, Tracie's, to a lesser degree) make motherhood sound terrible. Like, terrible enough for a firmly established non-mother to stop and say something.

New moms aren't the only folks who need maternity wear. Anyone who keeps nursing past the first few months can get heartily sick of being stuck with exercise bras or boring blah nursing tops as their only options. Sure, nursing tank tops were the bees knees when my kiddo was a wee baby, but at two years I am DONE

Why isn't there any such thing as a cishet butch woman? You guys seem to have a lot of rage at women whom you see as too feminine for feminism, but then there's no support for butch women. It's all about getting women (that you guys seem to assume are cishet) to publicly flagellate themselves for whatever femininity

You spelled pregnant wrong. It should be "mpregnant".

Besides being a professional hero, Ira Glass has that sort of virile-nerdy vibe going that is super attractive. Reminds me of David Tennant in the best possible way.

"...but this is the US where illness is a bad choice made by the patient."

I suspect any answer would involve unions, and I gather they are a sign of being a big ol' terrorist-commie over there?

You're right, sorry, I was confused. SC is both a right-to-fire state AND an "at-will" state.

White kid = call their parents; non-white kid = call the cops.

It's not creepy, but it's really boorish to take an article about a sex offendery thing that happened to someone else and to turn it into a discussion of why women might not want to go out again with a respectful guy like you. At absolute minimum, it suggests that you're really insensitive to women's problems.