Damn, haters gonna hate. Its Friday, people. Take a break.
Damn, haters gonna hate. Its Friday, people. Take a break.
Unless you personally are capable of performing all the public services your taxes pay for, you might as well think of these taxes as cheap at the price, whatever the legal rationale for them.
I'm a feminist and I think she's a twerp. Did some major feminist group declare that we all had to like/support Gaga? Did I miss the meeting???
I agree 100%. If men are consuming violent sexual acts constantly, it continues the fucking RAPE CULTURE. Why do you think young men are so angry at women today. I'll give you one hint:
Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and…
I can say for a fact that about 60% of the conversations of the non-NY-based Jez writers consist solely of jokes about the term "backend."
One other thing. Housing tax is based on the money that your district needs to maintain schools etc. They need to get that overall sum somehow. If everyone does this, they will figure another way to get the money they need for the services YOU said you want/need when you moved there.
Really? Cause part of me completely agreed with your first sentence.
One thing I've noticed is that even when "most" men do a cleaning activity, they blow donkey balls at it. Like, when I sweep, I sweep a spot for as long as it takes to get all the visible dirt and beyond, and I go to strange lands like "between the toilet and wall". I know a lot of men who will drag a broom across the…
I don't hover. If there's a toilet that's clean, I use it. If there's not, I take one for team humanity and clean it up. I'm a microbiologist, I got over the OMG!BACTERIA a long time ago.
Mm I love me some full butt underwear, specifically dem boyshorts. Nothing riding up anywhere, chafing or flopping around, just a full butt hug!
Tell me why I want to buy pre-ripped jeans. I'll fuck up my own god damned jeans, thank you very much. I'll make my own unfortunately-located chub rub patches.
I've figured it out. This is the creeping madness that heralds the awakening of Cthulhu in watery R'lyeh! Rejoice! Soon you will be reduced to gibbering insanities as the priest of the Old Ones arises to retake the world that is rightfully His! Ia! Ia!
Somebody needs to tell this to all those beaten and abused married women in Afghanistan. The married biological fathers over there didn't get the memo.
Why should she not have her family members with her on an important day? So that your narrow sensibilities can be satisfied? Also, if she's breastfeeding, the baby is more likely going to need to be with her/near her, in case it gets hungry. She's feeding her baby. What is so gross about that, that it must be equated…
Social norms. In America at least, it's not OK to poop or pee in public. Until recently, women couldn't breastfeed in public. Right now, breast feeding women are trying to change the social norm that says that babies can't eat in public. We are trying to change that for good reasons — because it essentially makes new…
Stop thinking about your dick for two seconds.
Mom of an exclusively breastfed preemie here. I am certain to see "she should have pumped and bottle fed" somewhere in the comments. After 3 months of exclusive pumping, bloody nipples and bruised breasts, tell me to pump after you hook YOUR nipples up to a running vacuum for two hours a day for three months and tell…
I really feel like women can't do shit without being called a ho, slut, whore, thot, etc.
Good for her! We need more normalization of breastfeeding in America