It's for the individual... in the context of wider societal pressures ingrained in them from birth (and for decades/centuries before they were born.)
It's for the individual... in the context of wider societal pressures ingrained in them from birth (and for decades/centuries before they were born.)
I know. I think it's really funny people saying that any of these aesthetic habits are done solely for the pleasure of the practitioner. I call BS.
You know, I'm usually terminally curious, but I have absolutely no desire to watch this video. Anyone else not watching with me? The comments should be fun, though.
I have it all.
A nice house that's big enough to not feel crowded but small enough to not feel overwhelming when we're cleaning. A car that is very nice, dependable, but not ostentatious. A teaching position that only requires my presence on campus 12-15 hours/week. Some kids. Good husband. One lovable cat.
I have…
If you are a rich person living in a Big City and the only definition of success you can picture looks like private…
I would add a persistent feeling of anxiety, getting worse as the day winds down into afternoon/early evening, and recurring visions of unrealistic-yet-horrible things happening to the baby. Also a fear of going outside. But this is just what has been going on with me—I don't know if it happens to everyone with PPD,…
This is the same buffoon that calls the Affordable Care Act "the most insidious law in the history of man." Right. Worse than Jim Crow. Worse than slavery. Worse than rounding up all Japanese. The worst law ever is one that provides access to health care for all Americans and not just rich white male Americans.
I saw…
Personally I applaud the House GOP for all the hard work they've done this week to ensure that Hilary Clinton will be our next president.
RICH BITH HERE TOO. You know what I learned? Saying things like 'I shop at goodwill! I don't live in a fancy apartment!' When all your friends know your parents paid for your entire university education, it just makes you sound like more of a douche. Just accept the fact that you're fucking lucky. Your bit of…
"Why do you feel like this an important problem?"
I wrote out a longer post, but I think it's best to just say this: I grew up in a similar fashion to what you describe (self-made parents, debt-free education) and am incredibly grateful for what I was given in life. My advice is to just get over it. I'm guessing that I have about 15 years on you, and believe me, it's…
I graduated more or less debt free as well (actually, my parents took over my loans as a graduation gift.) I'm lucky/privileged as fuck! Most of us are hanging on to some kind of privilege, and some more than others. This is totally fine! But whining about your privilege, like people should feel bad for you? That's…
I mean... so what? Why do you feel like this an important problem? To me, whining about how you occasionally have awkward moments because your friends will have to work for years to pay for their education and you don't is like whining about how Starbucks spelled your name wrong on your drink. Why is anyone else…
Well, since one typically assumes that boys and girls have equal native ability, girls' doing better does indicate that something environmental is holding boys back.
Maybe that something really does have to do with male entitlement, like parents are failing to instill sufficient discipline in their children or…
Oh I think this is a Dave Matthews level of angst.
"Men are taking better care of themselves"? Fuck off, how is not shaving my legs meaning that I take less care than those who do. It's just a thing that has stemmed from Essex where all the guys now wax everything off, overly tan themselves, shave the sides and back of their hair then wear shirts of half naked women…
This is the problem with it: "Men are taking better care of themselves." Shaving your legs isn't taking "better" "care" of yourself. At all. And it reinforces the idea that women (and now men) who don't shave are somehow apathetic slobs.
Well, if you need to point out an example of our society's most selfish love, these assholes would be it.
As a person who is involved in the sciences, I despite "social experiments" presented as actual science. They're so often gigantic, generally unethical messes. Certainly someone could do them well, but you end up with shit like this: people pushing against social boundaries with little understanding of the reactions…
No, people in the UK are sooper dooper racist just like everyone else. It just doesn't manifest itself in the same ways; the "black men b stealing our white wimminz" thing seems to be a particularly American hangup with some deeply ugly historical roots.