
I find that female characters in general tend to be more heavily criticized than male characters. They're typically held to a higher standard in a lot of areas, hence why we see few female anti-heroes. Think about popular male characters, and then think about whether they'd still be popular if they were female.

I don't own makeup or have the slightest idea how to use it, my education stopping at the hideous make-up kit my best friend and I played with as kids. I like the way I look. I certainly don't care if others use it. I think the slight annoyance of those of us who don't use make up or don't do pub waxing/shaving is

I don't wear make-up, for many reasons: laziness, sensitive skin, laziness, never had anyone really show me how, laziness, fear of poking my eyes with an eyeliner pencil, and laziness. I used to try to, but I think the last time I did was my wedding, over 3 years ago. But I also don't normally talk about it, or make a

The second/third division is also about how 3rd wavers have embraced the discourse and mechanisms of capitalism and consumerism at the expense of politics. This campaign is another example of that process.

Yes, but we still need to interrogate WHY women feel "weird" in a suit without makeup while men wear suits all the time without having to spend 30 minutes "doing" their face, and draw attention to the fact that this is an inequity that exists. Not just accept it and move on.

After reading The Beauty Myth I stopped wearing makeup almost completely. I never wear it to work, but I do like putting it on if I'm going out dancing or to a special occasion. Then it actually feels like a treat rather than a requirement.

Ditto, I'd always assumed my lack of makeup had something to do with a combination of not knowing how to do it, having reasonable enough skin that no one will ever comment on it and the fact that I just generally can't be arsed but NOPE! Heroism it is...apparently.

I like the idea that I'm incredibly brave for going makeup-free on a daily basis. It certainly sounds nicer than the truth: that I'm super lazy and would rather sleep and/or cuddle with my dog than put makeup on before leaving the house.

Ah, yes, the "revolutionary" feminism of calling women you think are getting too uppity "stupid bints".

Every picture I ever post of myself with the very rare (like 2-3/year) exception is make-up free. That is just how I look every day. I guess I'm just a freaking hero filled with bravery every damned day. LOL

Assuming this includes child care during the work week, it's pretty crushing. You just wind up not having much leftover for anything—including college savings, regular savings, house repairs, car repairs, Christmas presents, you name it. In many two-parent households, one parent stays home solely because of this

This isn't altogether suprising to me as someone with children who lives in a "shitty flyover state." Where we live is actually great for families (like mine) who value these kinds of things: tons of parks, great public schools, solid (but "boring") jobs with decent pay, good benefits, and minimal commutes, pricey but

I just have to say, with many months if pregnancy to go with my first, I read every single one of the thoughtful, informative and honest posts in this thread. This was a much more nuanced and straight up conversation of the pros and cons and challenges and rewards then I have yet to come across in my other pregnancy

I just eye fucked him through the monitor....

And another thing...

Amen! With my first I actually gave up nursing after 4 weeks because everyone (including two separate LCs, my pediatrician, and my OB) kept telling me it "shouldn't" be hurting any more "if we were doing it right" and I figured there was just something wrong with me/him and that it would never get better. I couldn't

You know, absolutely. Breastfeeding is great if you want to do it, but it should be the mother's decision. There are a whole lot of bottle fed babies walking around who are perfectly healthy, so contrary to what some zealots say, it is not child abuse if you don't breast feed. Some women can't, for various reasons,

I totally agree! My first wouldn't latch at all, but my second had a latch like you wouldn't BELIEVE. My LC called him "barracuda baby." And it was so painful. I actually stopped because my milk never came in and I was hospitalized for complications. When I've shared this story I've been told that I am "spreading

As someone who had very very little difficulty in nursing - little guy had a decent latch even at first and would let me mess with him if he wasn't latched properly - I can say that even in the best circumstances, it hurts and is miserable at first. Those first 2 nights in the hospital were SO HARD. And, he was born

My older sister couldn't nurse her first because she was five weeks early and wasn't able to latch at all, and it totally crushed my sis. She felt so bad and unworthy as a mother. I felt really bad for her. She just had another baby, only three weeks early this time, and her new baby latched right on! She's so happy.