
Nope, Arsenal Cider House in Pittsburgh.

We have a local small-batch ciderhouse that usually has at least 5 different kinds of cider and it's great. And I'm not talking "five foofy added flavors" I mean one is sweet, one is off-dry, one is dry, one is superduper dry and one is made with a different variety of apple and has a hint of added vanilla. Now that

I'm judging everyone's poor cider choices. Everyone, please learn to appreciate better, crisper, dryer ciders so they are more readily available in stores for me. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

You mean when your bleeding nipples turn your milk pink? Yep. There's nothing like your baby spitting up and it being bloody and first the panic then the (relieved?) realization that that's actually your blood your baby just spat up.

I had vasospasms from nursing (I probably have Reynauds, but my baby also had a shallow latch and was compressing my nipple and you can get vasospasm from either situation) and my IBCLC advised me to keep a heating pad or warmed-up rice sock nearby and to put it on my breast immediately before and after nursing and it

OMG THAT'S THE FAMILY?! I know that blog because I ganked a couple of her crockpot recipes, but as I was reading it was like... omg you are really doing this? Nope nope nope nope nope that sounds like my very worst nightmare and a potentially bad idea.

Ya seriously, my skinny baby is now a skinny toddler and all other babies look like huge delicious butterballs to me. OM NOM.

Yeah, my husband's friend declined his request that he be his best man (we each only had one attendant, it was a small wedding, no purchase of expensive gear was required, just a weekend of travel to a couple hours away by car and we were happy to put people up in our own apartment), and honestly it felt like a slap

I went halvsies with my MOH (my only attendant) and she picked her own dress (since she was the only one, no one had to matchy-matchy).

Team Meh. I'm nearly 40, have a c-section scar, am overweight but... meh. I've never really cared what I look like, much to my mom's chagrin.

And the instruction booklets all have the proper specs for height/weight right there in them. So, you get the wrong one, open it up and realize your mistake, take it back and get the right one. Some intern was just lazy.

I don't get people being all "nuh-uh, you can't tell me what to do!!" about it because following the recommended protocols literally hurts no one (except some very very rare instances of a kid who gets carsick rear-facing but not forward-facing). Getting a kid into and out of a car-seat before they're able to do it on

Also, you can get carseats that are more in-tune with your own child's height and weight. Different seats have different specs and if you know your kid is above/below average you find a carseat that fits their body type without just throwing all the safety rules out the window and deciding your are a special snowflake

Yep, or later, depending on height and weight. My little is turning 2 this summer but he's on the small side and I probably won't forward-face him for another year.

Isn't George, like, not even one? And and someone wants to forward-face him? Juddddddging.

I think it's also important for women in the US who rail against how much pressure women are under now to birth somewhat naturally and breastfeed need to also keep in mind that this state of affairs is very, very new and what was going on previously was very much NOT "give women choices, yay!" It was "let male doctors

Can confirm!

My city has a very distinctive local accent and dialect and same same same. Like, we joke about talking like that but anyone who can tones it WAY, WAY down when social advancement is at stake.

When our son was born my husband was working for a multinational (originally a European company that went global, which may explain it) that gave 8 weeks parental leave for either parent. It was wonderful, and set us up for successful co-parenting. Paternity leave isn't just about bonding, it's also about learning the