This is my local McD's woooo!
This is my local McD's woooo!
I would just like to make a general plea that people please refrain from judging individual parents and kids that you see around and don't know personally. There are so many factors that go into what you might be seeing a parent feed to a child at one particular moment in time. You may be witnessing a situation where…
I had all sorts of ideas about what's "wrong" with parents and what they feed their kids before I had one of my own, but my toddler basically went on a hunger strike over the summer despite having had a great, well-balanced, home-made, whole foods diet prior to that point. He's below 5th percentile for weight and any…
Every kid and family is different but toddlers are... really tough to get to eat right. You would think that they wouldn't starve themselves rather than eat something they don't wanna but, to a certain extent you would be wrong. I mean, they won't die, but they will start to lose weight, which is not what you want…
In my experience, you need to find yourself either a teacher or a lawyer. People with really high-stress jobs need a recreational drug that mellows them out and leaves them ready to get back to work the next morning.
The main reason I don't go to the gym is that I hate showering frequently. So ...yes?
It's internalized misogyny, pure and simple. Fandom is rife with it.
Option 6: I have no fucks to give any which way?
Gatiss isn't homophobic obvs but I think it's pretty clear that he's super uncomfortable with slash and women's enjoyment of it.
You guys can come sit by me. These two dudes do literally nothing for me.
Typical paid mat leave, when provided by employers, is 6-8 weeks, not 3 months.
We have no legal requirement for paid parental leave. It's up to individual employers to provide that out of the goodness of their hearts (many do—not most, but many). We also have a law that says that if you work full time at a company above a certain size (50 employees) you can take 12 unpaid weeks off for any…
We're talking about paid leave here, I think. Anyone (who works at a company larger than 50 employees full time) can take FMLA for any family or medical related reason, 12 weeks max, unpaid. Very, very few people can afford to actually be unpaid for 12 weeks, though. Paid maternity leave is per individual company…
I'm tumblr-ancient and also a dour 2nd wave feminist and basically according to tumblr my entire lifestyle is unpossible. What? Not wearing make-up?! WHOEVER THOUGHT OF SUCH A THING!!!
Yepppp. I had my son late in life so I've experience both the being-childless-in-one's-late-30's and the being-a-mom thing and let me tell you, society may say that it's super into the wonderfulness moms and babies but it is really. really. really. not. To paraphrase Jurassic Park, misogyny always finds a way. Women…
Sitters are expensive, I feel that pain, brospeh but if you really must watch a movie in the theater when it first comes out instead of waiting 5 months for Red Box like every other parent of a young child, at least download a CAM version and watch it at home after kiddo goes to bed? Please?
This is actually becoming kind of moot. Episiotomes are getting much rarer and confined to cases where they are truly medically necessary. My midwife practice (certified nurse midwives operating inside a hospital, not hippies in a hemp field) and their supervisory OBs had as their standard of care to not do episiotome…
Wow, edgy. I've never ever before seen someone post pictures of cooking meat to a thread about loving farm animals. You are truly a genius wit of Jonathon Swift levels.
Most of the kids that wind up in helmets are due to position in the womb. Sometimes babies in utero just decide to hang out in one spot for a really long time and this can cause things like tightness of the neck muscles (making it so babies don't turn their head to one side as much as the other) or just a malformed…
You are my spirit animal. I do not understand the love for this wretched, aggressively awful, offensive film.