
I had a somewhat traumatic birth experience and I was really impressed with how my midwives handled it. Every day on their rounds, they came to visit me (even though they didn't have to—I'd switched over to OB care because of my c-section) and invited me to talk about the experience and ask any questions I might have

Agree. I don't find nursing another baby to be squicky (or someone nursing mine—within of course the limits of I know them and know their milk is safe) but I have taken a good, hard, close look at my pump parts after a year of pumping and... yeah they are gross.

I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop on that bit of glaring historical inaccuracy and there'd be some twist to explain it but NOPE! I just had to roll with it even as I was like SHAKESPEARE WAS AN ELIZABETHAN OMG PEOPLE USE WIKIPEDIA. Historical accuracy is not this show's main selling point but even that was

Yeah, you should all be watching Sleepy Hollow. It is absurd, but it's so delightfully aware of its own absurdity. It's got a fabulous X-Files sort of vibe. I love it.

I leave the facebooking 100% to my husband (who checks it daily but posts just every now and then). It works out well, he's sort of like the Social Secretary of the family and I can remain one of the few, the proud, the unfacebooked. I don't tweet either. I am online all the time and have a lot of online friends and

From talking to folks who don't know how to cook (I also can cook really well and have pretty much my whole life) the things they don't know are things that it would never even occur to me that someone didn't know. How to measure. The difference between a dry measure and wet measure. The difference between cups and

Yo I spend all day at work and several hours on either side of that running after a toddler. You can be assured that by 8:00 every night, I would not otherwise be writing the great American novel or finding the cure for cancer. I'm lucky if I can manage to not drool on myself by that point.


There is a huge space between "total slob" and "wearing make-up." I didn't wear make-up to my own wedding. Big white poof dress, professionally styled hair: yes and yes. Make-up: no. I did not look like a slob. I come to work every day with clean hair and clean clothes (though I work in a casual office so those clean

What about something less than a full beard? My husband has the same problem as you—he looks really young and the few times he's shaved his facial hair off, it hasn't really worked out. He's not a hairy guy and if he tried to grow a full beard it'd be really patchy, so instead he rocks the Van Dyke. All that requires

Alas no, I am far from NYC. I might try going to Aveda as suggested above, though. I am pretty sure we have one of those here.

I like! I'd totally wear that! But... does it take a lot of styling? My hair is so thick that blow-drying is a no-go unless I have an hour to dedicate and.... meh I have a toddler and a job and mommy is too tired to stand in front of the mirror for an hour sweating.

How seriously/not seriously you'll be taken w/o make up is dependent on a number of individual circumstances. I've been bare faced for... well pretty much ever (there may have been some ill-conceived experimentation done in middle school). But in my various chosen professions and past-times, it's never been a

My excuse is that I do not currently give a fuck, have never really given a fuck, and do not predict that I will give any fucks in the future. My name is Samarkand, and I OWN these thoughts that come out of my own head.

15 years and I never managed to convince my husband of this.

I have RIDICULOUSLY THICK hair and it's wavy but not curly and I already have to go to the $$$$ salon just to get a boring cut because otherwise I wind up with Roseanna Roseannadanna hair. Years ago, when I had hair down to my butt and wanted a drastic change, I did find someone who I just told "Make me look

I won't tell a lie, I'd pay $110 for someone knowledgeable to tell me wtf to do with my hair. It's been years since I've seen a stylist with the balls to actually accept my "I don't know what I want, make me look good" challenge. But I legit do not know what I want, I am beauty-stupid, low-maintenance, don't know the

This is basically the internet's problem with female characters just in general. It's 3000% more troubling when it happens in female-majority fandom spaces. (Which it does. A lot. So much that it's kind of a *yawn* boring cliche at this point.)


For me it's basically X-Files 2 lol. A practical skeptic and a weirdo believer and together they fight ridiculous monsters of the week while also maintaining a series arc. And it has a woman of color as a lead character (and don't tell me she won't eventually be a romantic lead character because I will go down with