
Has she been evaluated for reflux or a milk protein allergy? Are you breastfeeding? My experience is that pediatricians see so many anxious new parents every day that they can be kind of aloof to when there is REALLY a problem. I would specifically ask about reflux, colic and milk protein sensitivity. That said,

Prefolds are the bessssssst. So cheap, so easy to care for and launder, so free of leakage. And they also make great dust rags!

Given what I know about how my parents prepared to be parents in 1974, this is not true. There were classes and seminars involved. Or do you mean a time when most people still lived close to the older generation of their family and could ask these questions to people who'd already been through it in person?

Add to your above list:

So basically they have the same worries as an other parents except with more nannies? I'm shocked! (I'm actually not shocked.)

Protip for new CSA subscribers: learn to love greens. You will get maaaaany weeks of them starting round about April.

I've got a garden full of delicious fresh lacinato kale and I've never made kale chips because I am too busy eating kale as kale. Potato chips are potato chips, kale is kale. Let's stick to the rules that god intended here.

Um what? Babies start eating solids at 6 months, or before.

It's possible to breastfeed and have an equitable coparenting split, if your partner isn't an asshole. While for the first 6 or so weeks it seems like it, feeding is not the ONLY thing a baby does or needs. Changing, laundry, bathing, soothing, playing, these are all things the non-lactating partner can do perfectly

As someone who has been breastfeeding for nearly 11 months now, let me just say that doing it for a year (especially if you work, which I do) is in no way a small accomplishment and the number of people who would be judgy on a breastfeeding mom for "only" doing it for a year is vanishingly small, even among

I also have non-crazy family on both sides so just told them we'd call them before going to the hospital (my parents had to go take our dogs to the kennel so they had to know we had left and his parents had a 3-hour drive to get to us, so needed advanced warning as well) and then we'd call them once baby had arrived.

My mom tried really, really hard to teach me that "how I look on the outside reflects how I feel about myself on the inside." (I.e., if you dress well and are groomed well, that means you love yourself and if you are dressed slobby that means you don't love yourself.) She failed, though, because I could never square

Yeah, I wish there was a way to talk about this that didn't seem to be landing squarely on the shoulders of this one young lady but...

The electric company now permits you to pay your bill with passion? Awesome! In my day, you needed actual money.

lol no. Ain't no one got time for that shit. Okay, I did make my son a water table instead of buying one but that is because we are poor not because I saw it on Pinterest.

I live in a state where raw milk is legal to sell (at the grocery store even!). It comes plastered with warnings. The dairies that sell raw milk to consumers are heavily regulated and inspected. I don't give it to my kid and did not drink it while pregnant. But fuck it's delicious. I mean really, seriously, crazily

Binkies are great! Another benefit: now that it's going outside season and I have a 10 month old who thinks that any random object is a great candidate to put in his mouth, sucking on his binky puts a barrier in between all that nasty shit/choking hazards and his piehole. Also: you can take a binky away when you

Or when it hasn't been on the floor but it has been in my pocket and has pocket lint all over it. I'll suck that thing clean rather than find the nearest bathroom and attempt a soap-and-water washing session while holding a probably-screaming (because that's why I need the binky) baby.

Before this article I did not know what twerking was, so there's that.

Is The Thick of It still on Hulu?