Samantha Topham Hatch

Haha right? And its also like, smart people use their popularity to launch new career paths when old ones die.

Sorry, poor wording (since I know that lynch mobs tend to target certain ethnic/racist groups). Vigilante justice is what I am referring to.

Yes, I am aware that traditionally lynch mobs went after African Americans and NO that is not the type of mob I want brought back. My wording was bad because I should have said “vigilante justice”.

Haha I love that you think just because I am female I must be a feminist. I don't care if the guy raped a man or a woman, I would still like to see harsher punishments for rapist.

Seriously, why is the Times so mystified about this? Jessica Alba isn’t a particularly great or revenant actress, yet she successfully started a multi-million dollar company. Same with Victoria Beckham. Her music career failed a long time ago yet she is a fashion icon.

This movie sounds like an absolute train wreck, for multiple reasons. But, Natalie Portman is a goddess and I’ll probably see it anyway (while criticizing it the whole time).

Yeah I think that's a very great way to sum it up.

Sometimes I wish that lynch mobs were still around so the rapist could meet his fate. That bastard deserves to burn in hell.

This is insanely awesome. The question is, if someone agrees to be an organ donor, should they have the right to say who can receive their organs? Like should they be allowed to specify that they don't want their penis going to someone who undergoes gender reassignment?

Did I miss the part where it said how she died? I’m just curious. Rest in peace, Holly.

WTFery is strong with these cards... especially the faceless people. That will haunt me all through the Christmas season. I have found yet another reason to be grateful that I did not grow up in the nineteenth century. Thank you for that.

This is a really cheesy post..

I kid you not, when I was in middle school, a student dressed up as a terrorist (turban, fake bombs, etc.) for Halloween. This was only a year or two after 9/11. The crazy part is that no one batted an eye at it. If something like that happened today, I can only imagine the repercussions.

Damn. We are one hell of a racist country. When will we learn to let go of our prejudices?

Haha Im confused! Did you buy it from Otherwild or from Cara?

I can’t exactly put my finger on why, but I have hated James Franco for the last decade..

Glad to hear you didn't buy it from Cara...

Im not feminist enough to buy THAT $40 shirt

One more thing, celezbian does accurately describe A PART (though not all) of Cara’s identity... How can that even be offensive???

Seriously, celebrities are the worst with things like this. I hate that just because its for “a good cause” Cara D. feels like she can rip off the original designer. Now, Im going to contradict myself and ask, does the designer own the write to that term/saying? I’m not sure if she does, but I just hate Cara’s