I seriously wonder how many “Saves” and “Shots” this triggered. I bet they had some crazy scores at the end.
I seriously wonder how many “Saves” and “Shots” this triggered. I bet they had some crazy scores at the end.
what the... what kind of devil magic is this?! hahaha
Miss those days when the only cover I need is to do crazy ass sommersaults while shooting tigers in the face...
really? you wont have guessed after her massacre rampage in the first game
Shown off at the Xbox press conference in Germany today, here’s a long look at Scalebound, the Monster Hunter-ish…
Thanks to German Science, Gangplank is alive!!
He fell in a barrel of oranges, he’ll be okay
Oh this is going to be great in ARAM XD
Welp, time to stay out of top lane for awhile O__O
“It was actually two pieces the whole time.”
Activity engaged in for pleasure or amusement is literally the definition of the word game in English, the language of the cartoon, your response, and my reply. So yes, it is ABOUT FUCKING FUN, which you just sucked out of the room.
It takes a lot for Riot to put even part of its hugely popular multiplayer game League of Legends on hold, but…
Something very similar happened to me, but we were at the enemy nexus (yes we managed to get to the nexus even with a troll teammate) but then he started carrying all of us to the enemy base one by one so we got almost instantly killed. Soon enough the red team Aced us, they rushed into our Nexus and we lost the game.…
i was going to say a fomorian, they were wild and chaotic and his beard is goat-ish. maybe he’s balor and traded the evil-eye for the mouth.
I mean it’s obvious he’s Cuchulain reincarnated. He’s Irish, he hits like Cuchulain, boasts like Cuchulain, and instead of falling in the octagon he’ll tie himself up against the nets using his own intestines until a crow lands on his shoulder confirming his death.
I’m pretty sure any terminal illness would have made itself apparent in the battery of physicals.
I have to wonder if maybe he’s acting this way because he’s decided he has nothing left to lose (IE, some kind of terminal illness or something).
Kentarou Miura