Goodness gracious, ARK: Survival Evolved looks cool. So of course, I’m worried.
Goodness gracious, ARK: Survival Evolved looks cool. So of course, I’m worried.
We still have a couple weeks until launch. Is it too late to reskin and find a voice actress?
Sometimes I just think that a few liberties need to be taken to make it look a little better in reality. Instead of trying to recreate something exactly. Mainly the hair, god, sometimes the hair just looks absurd.
This is pretty dang good!
For years, the love triangle between Superman, Clark Kent and Lois Lane has been a staple of the comics starring the…
There’s actually a series of that on the net somewhere, looks great, don’t think it ever finished though
I don’t know, maybe it’s gotta do with piracy? Everyone i know of just download some off torrent sites.
i dont get it. anime is a big business so why they pay so bad?i mean not asking them to pay super high wage but just a average salary-man wage is enough, or are you telling me even that is out of budget for a anime company?
Well, that escalated quickly.
Have you ever wondered about the origin of the healing blood in Bloodborne? Someone has a theory, and it’s kind of…
As a couple people have noted, it’ll all come down to how Leto plays it, and he’s a pretty talented dude, so I’m optimistic.
if he wears a purple suit, i could see him being just the right type of Crazy
I’m not really the hugest fan of this new paradigm of judging an entire film based on a poster, or a still, or a production still. Everything on the Internet is either “BEST EVAR!!!11” or “worst episode ever” and this type of quick reaction with little substance isn’t really doing much to improve discourse.
This design is way too on the nose. One of the best things about the Joker was that even tho he was completely insane and over the top, his reasoning’s for doing what he did were the most subtle out of all the Batman villains.