Yung Master Sama

Before, the girls didn't have impossible waits and I kind of liked that everything want so exaggerated but at the end of the day this is still one if my favorite manga.

damn... That's a long time runnin

the pathogen kingdom hearts three comes out on

Luffy can't stay 17 forever
just like Naruto can't ignore Hinata forever.


That can change/merge into a star ship of galactic proportions

I can't help but see the Knkar sisters as the town sluts. I'm sorry but they were the most admitting characters in that show lol

You right, you right.

Now I can't rest until I know for sure

The world would HAVE to explode a bit in order to allow such a beast

don't just burn it make sure it dies one and for all

[Photo: 莉緒のきまぐれブログ]

Why take the time to learn to use a gun when you can just get a pokemon to learn hyper beam

This sounds like it all belongs in Baccano! or something lol.

A game like this definitely could benefit from local co-op

If the internet hasn't already completely spoiled the characters or the story it's definitely worth playing. The game play isn't anything truly outstanding. However I think It adds to the overall feeling that the setting tries to create. Also, If you like shooting the face off of pseudo zombies with a shotgun at point

I'm pretty sure homeboy doesn't even need to use those hand holds to climb that thing.

I feel like at the same time the kid lived out a secret of stowing away on a plan just for the heck of it.

Break all the bricks to eat the bacon

Sold. Now to see if my favorite little bookshop has it if not then i'll order it :D