Interesting gif considering we just discussed how we would all like to eat Jennifer Lawrence...
Interesting gif considering we just discussed how we would all like to eat Jennifer Lawrence...
Read my mind dude haha.
maybe translucent tadpoles were common in japan
brilliant now that i get it haha
I really need to get on that show where can I watch it?
lookin good looking good
honestly wasn't sure how there were gonna do rocket
i think i can dig it
huhuhuhuhu good one
It's the same with me too. It's getting so bad now that when I laugh in the back of my mind i'm saying "lol" not even L. O. L but lol as one word
However this also makes me feel good knowing there are people with such high moral settings on the off chance we encountered one another online it would be good and courteous fun for all
I imagine some powerful emotions raged about after you kicked that dog... i'm sorry for your distress
He totally lifts now
but since it's scales are diamond hard wouldn't that make him invulnerable
Be sure to thank your wife lol
So... he'd rather grade papers and recite poetry than help make KH3 ...oh.
Well played McDonalds I will hereby rescind my belief in the pink goop mcnuggets however until I see you do something to lower America's obesity rate I'll still never eat at your establishment or condone doing so.
Man this snow is worse than a girl that won't take a hint.
Like where was this when I was 10 years old.
i'm good with that
also what's up fellow member of the nation
For reference:
What is the divine creation?!
I must have it at once!