They’ve got special non-lethal bullets from Argus, kind of like the Icers from AoS.
They’ve got special non-lethal bullets from Argus, kind of like the Icers from AoS.
I loved William telling Ollie he wasn’t that worried about losing him, “since I have Felicity now.” Which could seem like a burn, but I took more as just an honest statement & testament to his new bond with his new stepmom.
Time for Curtis, Rene, and Dinah to grow up! It drove me nuts how they were still whining about OG Team Arrow while the city is literally falling apart. Get over yourselves!
The guy who plays Pike is all over Canadian TV these days so I guess I get why he is off the show. But there was zero reason to kill him.
I’m kinda confused how this is a lower grade than last week, lol. It was a massive improvement to me. Better directing, editing, better pacing of plot. I really enjoyed it!
I’m honestly surprised, I thought Felicity’s season 5 arc was fantastic and it was honest with what the character had been through prior.
Ok. I may be a minority with this, but I can’t help but dislike (at this moment) the Team Not Arrow. I understand their frustration and lost trust, but it doesn’t seem they understand the gravity of what they are up against. Are they really that upset with Daddy Oliver for “reading their diary”? Do they think their…
Glad to see Oliver didn’t overdo it with his apology to the team. In my opinion, he doesn’t have a whole heck of a lot to be sorry for. I like Wild Dog, Black Canary, and Mister Terrific, but I’d honestly be fine if the show just zoomed in on the original Team Arrow from here on out.
This episode wasn’t terrible, which is a miracle because it contained the absolute worst parts of 3 pretty awful storylines.
Ok episode. I pretty much dislike all of the newbies even more now so I’m not quite sure what they were thinking they’d achieve with this team split. I feel like Oliver had every right to be mad because, good intentions of not, Rene did betray him. But Oliver stepped up at the end & showed a lot of growth as a person…
Why were Oliver, Felicity and Diggle spying on the newbies you mean? Because Quentin got a call from Oliver’s attorney that the prosecution had someone from the team who was willing to testify that Oliver is the Green Arrow - they were trying to figure out who it was.
Not to mention, Curtis put tracking nanites or whatever in Felicity’s pancakes last season to track her to Helix. He has zero business being hurt about her tracking him.
Mainly because I’m wholly invested in Diggle, Oliver and Felicity as a team - I have been for 6 years. I do not care one bit about the newbies.
Plus, spying on virtually everyone in Star City is what Felicity DOES. Can they really be so upset about getting the same treatment?
The reception was a delight (it’s so weird to see everyone happy, and I love that the show keeps bringing back the neighbors from Ivy Town) but everything else fell flat. I really didn’t understand the new team’s indignation at being “spied on” for one night. Did the writers forget that last year, Curtis followed…
Loved that scene at the beginning with Oliver and Lance. That was so damn touching. They have come so far, and it has all been earned!
I don’t care for the OTA vs. newbies turn at all.
Thea quitting was one of the worst aspects of last season! Now that the team quit, it’s the perfect time to put Thea Queen back in action as Speedy! I get the feeling the writers don’t care about making me happy anymore though.
Even more relevant because those are two marriages (interracial & Jewish/non-Jewish) that wouldn’t be allowed under a Nazi regime.
I liked it too! I wish Felicity had waited another 10 seconds, but given the events that had transpired over the 4 hours I get having an I can’t wait epiphany over it and needing to do it NOW. Hopefully they all get to be happy for at least a little while (c’mon CW!).