what would even qualify as social media in 2002?
I’d probably pay $4,000 a year extra if he had newsgroups experience.
Hey now, the dude might have been a world class user of MySpace and Geocities back in the day.
“every word is picked apart to try to figure out how to make an issue out of it”
I agree comrade friend! I too wish only for friendly family entertainment. This whole russian involvment in American election is all bulshevik yes?
Vampires are scary yes, but at least we’re safe during the day. What really fucks me up are ghosts...i mean what the fuck can we do!?
I would have thought that second to last sentence would give the game away, but people are still biting. Poe’s Law, perhaps.
I see Betsy DeVos curriculum is making the rounds.
this is the company that got bankrupted by a judge while Obama was president; it will be funny to see how they shoot themselves in the foot this time
Oklahoma! All the insanity of Florida, with the right wing bullying of Arizona, all in the name of trying to impress big brother, Texas!
Pity companies don’t accept payment in earthquakes. OK has those in spades.
Right, I thought turning OK into a quivering fracking pit was going to solve all the state’s financial woes. I’m just glad there are some poor Hispanic children these rich white dudes can scapegoat.
“Oklahoma faces an estimated $878 million budget gap for the coming year”
Sarah Sanders
I would like to put forth a measure to say that we stop treating all Huckabees like people. All in favor?
Fake News! Central America isn’t even real! Central America is a Chinese hoax that libtards created so that Obummer can sell us more Chipotle because its made of coal we buy from China who sells it to us so that Phfffffftttt FART NOISES!!!!