Sam Area

I like my Tyson to be more like Mike, and I’m in the front row and I’m hammered drunk.

I mean, “attempted” murder, what even is that?

It was a low key tribute to the artists’ father, who worked late hours to put him through art school.

Spurs Coach Gregg Popovich:

Thanks for un-greying me. Talking my way past the Nahtzies was kind of a war of attrition. Then getting the trophy, filling it with beer, and using that against the Big Bruiser was great. Where I had to make the call was getting on the zeppelin. Apparently, you had to distract a man with tickets in his pocket with

Thanks for that. I always enjoyed the Sierra games as a kid and played many titles on our fam’s 286. At the time, the thrill was seeing what was going to happen as you explored and moved into a new screen, often contributing to random deaths and finding the edges of the world in game. There always seemed to be a point

Good one. A classic example of the AV Club I had grown to love. Even if it is a GJI.

It’s been a crapshoot this whole time.

AV Club, you’ve thrown the baby out with the bath water.

It could be two things, but has now become one.

Waves. More Waves passingthrough my brain.