
I think Disney’s spin on trying to make Johansson look like some covid villain in all of this is particularly gross. and if Disney is willing to look that cutthroat in public, I don’t doubt they are even nastier behind closed doors to both Johansson and any other employees they fucked over.

The dynamics of the situation - and the solution - seem so blindingly obvious to me it’s genuinely upsetting everyone is talking around it:

Free speech is literally guaranteed by the first amendment. With a couple of notable exceptions, we pretty much have it in America. Other than death threats, virtually no one is in jail just for something they said. No one’s really arguing for that to change.

When you broaden it to include people being dropped by

There are a few issues with this line of thinking, but in general it presents reality as a hypothetical, which is logically incoherent.

There is validity to that argument, but it is rather problematic. What happens when we apply this logic to conduct in general? I may think that beating up gay people is bad, and we should have laws against it, but once we have mechanisms for passing laws against beating up gay people, what if those mechanisms get used

Yeah. Also, fuck TERFs. 

How can you make an entire book on cartoon censorship and not discuss Queer creators? Are you kidding me? Sounds like a tome for white male grievances. The fact that they’re platforming TERFs says enough.

His tweet single handedly lost multiple contracts, impacting the bottom line of the corporation. That’s generally considered a fireable offense. You’d think the people complaining about “difference of opinion” would be celebrating the success of the Capitalist Free Market here.*

*this is assuming anything they ever

Why does this “freak you out”? Why do you believe that other people exercising their free speech and choice about whether to do business with a company is “retribution”?

As the CEO of a company, part of his job is to not rock the boat, and cause falls in stock price. By saying this stuff, he did so. He was bad at his job. He lost it.

The CEO is held to different standards than regular employees.

The company was facing economic pressure because most consumers/people aren’t anti-choice zealots. There was one bee in the bonnet leading to that pressure so they let the bee out.

This is pretty normal. Your freedom of speech applies to the government not being able to jail you for the things you say. If you work for a company freedom of speech doesn’t shield you from being fired. Companies have intrinsic values that you’ll have to be aware of. Anything that goes against those values will be

You’re conflating these instances. In one its an internal discussion about events that may be modern politics, job dynamics, compensation, etc. — This is for management and the employees to discuss what’s going on and come to something that may benefit them and the company.

*waits for the outcry of whiny cis men bitching about cancel culture and anti-abortion rhetoric*


This Rick is “his Rick” in every way that matters since he’s the only one Morty has ever really known. Besides, if Morty can adjust to this Beth, Jerry and Summer not being "his" then adjusting to the truth about this Rick should be trivial.

Re: John Mulaney

Why do these assholes all look like thumbs?

Being neutral, patient, and polite has been my policy. It has done well for me. One of my highlights was arriving at the airport for an international flight only to learn that my reservation had been botched by Delta/Air France. By the end of the conversation I had been rebooked on a first class flight with KLM to my