
When the killer is brown it’s terrorism when the killer is white they are troubled individuals.  Note the number of mass shooters that are troubled white males.

It just blows my mind that anyone can defend these comments. I’ve heard a lot of conservatives bending over backward to talk around the issue, because they can’t honestly answer the direct question “Were these racist tweets?” in any other way but “Yes.”

I’m so sorry that you had a similar experience, but I’m also... glad isn’t the right word, but relieved, I guess, to hear that it wasn’t just me. And that’s exactly what happened to me- I was just starting to edge out of the closet, mostly online, ran into a wall of nastiness and was like, nope, back in I go. And I

If Peck wanted an audience of just gay men then he should have written the article in a publication primarily read by Gay men, by writing the article in The New Republic he clearly wanted to get his fucked up POV to a wider audience-- this is the response he either wanted or should have been able to predict. 

I didn’t come out until 33. And when I say that I didn’t come out, I mean to anyone, including myself. I had so much internalized homophobia and lesbophobia and self loathing surrounding my gender nonconformity and sexuality, I just... pushed it all down and away, I guess. Obviously, that was not healthy and not good

Yeah, like, if this were published on some drag queen’s personal blog, it would be “in group”, and I would not give two shits. But he specifically wrote it in a national publication, knowing it wouldn’t stay in group.

I came out at 33. I dated briefly, then ended up in a serious relationship with the woman who is now my wife- we’ve been married for almost two years, at this point. I have no regrets, and while there were definitely aspects of a “gay adolescence” that I went through, none of them included fucking my way through the

The fact that this was in The New Republic is what deflates this article’s whole defense for me. If a deep understanding of gay culture is necessary to properly understand your attack on Pete, maybe publish it somewhere whose readership will have that knowledge.

Peck clearly doesn’t understand himself at all. He’s a middle aged, married gay man who still looks in the mirror and sees his 1990s self, and resents other gay men who don’t share his narrow worldview and tastes (or rather hates; he doesn’t like much beyond himself)

And the whole speculating whether he's a top or bottom seems pretty beyond the pale. When people speculate about women's sexuality, people recognize that as misogyny pretty easily.

Peck’s column popped up in my newsfeed on Saturday and I read it all the way through. Within its text, one thing became clear to me (me: a 57 year old gay man who went through the early 90s in NY and LA - and all that meant, too): Peck is stuck in a time and place and suffering from arrested development. I’d wager

It was a bitchy piece and it is homophobic because the intent was to undermine Pete as a gay man by the author and the website. 

All of this.

This. It’s like if a black man wrote an essay about Obama and heavily implied he wasn’t a real black man because he never joined a gang or smoked crack. It’s literally criticizing the man for not embodying stereotypes.

Well this gay man found parts of the article to be quite homophobic. Calling a gay man “Mary” in an attempt to degrade and belittle him is pretty textbook homophobia.

Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?

Get ready for people to lose their shit. 

* Bad grammar? Check.
* Poor spelling? Check.
* Unusually low intelligence for an AV Club poster? Check.

Kelly is an objectively awful person, but expressing joy that he’ll get brutally raped in prison is pretty fucking sadistic. Sexual violence in prisons, and the enabling of it, hurts way more people than just those who you deem “deserving”. And in any case, perhaps we as a society should hope that no one is ever

There is no other possible reason for that scene where Davis and Jaco split up to go after Izel and she suddenly isn’t there. I think the show thought that was subtle.