
The most hedonistic? Well, first you need some chocolate icing...

Mushroom mushroom

I don’t think it’s really a grey area, I think it’s pretty cut and dried that you can’t copyright song titles.

their job of protecting citizens

Another useful link expressing the same idea, to fight back against those who refuse to get it:

sugar or honey

As long as it is used gratuitously in a serious screenplay...

Yes, the people who always cite the first half of that saying always forget the second half. “A few bad apples.... spoil the whole barrel

A note to her staff, most people are not as dumb as she is.

Good luck with that!

Finishing him off with a jar of pickles!

Leave that poor Ukrainian grandmother alone, she’s had a rough couple of months!

I can’t decide if the game designed to demonstrate the unrelenting crushing evil of unchecked capitalism being reskinned as Hello Kitty is either an abomination or transcendentally perfect... 

I can’t decide if the game designed to demonstrate the unrelenting crushing evil of unchecked capitalism being

Better yet, mix that Tonic Water with Lime Jello and Gin...

The WB Water tower is easier to break out of than Arkham Asylum. We need Song of the South level security here...

WB Exec: It turns out that due to time travel shenanigans, The Flash movie was actually released 15 years ago, and it has subsequently been locked in the Disney Vault.

It also works well for getting sticker/label residue off of objects, put some on a paper towel, and you can wipe off any sticky/hardened glue pretty easily, then wash off the WD40 residue.

A lot of the time the brilliant jerk is a dumbass too.

Yes, yes it is. Many (most?) places still use magstripe and signature systems. TBH, I wouldn’t be surprised in some really out of the way place if they pulled out a credit card imprinter and took a physical imprint of the card to process.

It’s not originally my quote, but I’m more than happy to pass it on.