
If you’re concerned about protecting yourself agains the tracking chips, the 5g mind control, and the Chinese bioengeered hoax flu, the secret treatment THEY don’t want you to know about is that antipsychotics will shield you from all of those! That’s what I heard from my roommates cousins Facebook friends

I bet your co-conventions with the National Association of Marlin Brando Look Alikes draws a whole lot of attention

Whoops responded to the wrong post 

They should get her to do something for What We Do in the Shadows, and then complain after leaving the stage that she told her agent no more vampire gigs...

I don’t really have too much invested in who the musical guest is on SNL, other than the next time Daniel Craig hosts, they need to book Vampire Weekend. That way we’ll have gifs prepared for the next time Halloween falls on a Saturday or Sunday.

I mean being fundamentally unqualified to hold office is all the qualification you need in the the modern GQP.

I’m pinching your face!

In the book, she’s responsible for writing the in-universe books that are quoted at the beginning of the chapters, in some sense she’s the perfect choice to give the exposition. 


Tired: Stephen Universe functions like a normal character in the fighting game

From what I understand, he quit comedy the first time because of people like that laughing the wrong way about his jokes. I guess he’s figured that he’d be fine with that, as long as he told jokes about people that weren’t like him.

I have a couch which had a loose spring in it, the bracket had broken loose from the frame and was bent beyond use. I had put together a bad attachment using some pipe brackets, but it wasn’t very strong, and didn’t last very long before breaking again.

Generic soda is definitely hit or miss. Sometimes it’s a perfectly fine alternative. Other times (Fred’s choice cola, I’m looking in your direction) it is utterly undrinkable swill.

That may just be the difference between the Heavy-Duty style and regular non-heavy duty style of the well known brand of aluminum foil.  I didn’t know that they even made non-heavy duty until I accidentally bought a roll of it.  Oops...

Kroger brand compares favorably to Jif IMO.

Right. Their trash bags are also quality. I moved the box of costco trash bags from my last apartment to my current one. That was about a decade ago. I’m just about through it now.

It’s tough to use each word up there in their right place. They’re too easy to confuse two of them when each sounds just like its homophone.

Just like there were people who didn’t realize that the Colbert Report was satire.  

There are a number of other ways that they could deal with the situation other than refusing to comply with the mandate. They could provide pick up orders for the vaccinated.  If they did care about the homeless population as much as their money they could provide education about vaccination, or if it is as you claim

We make every gas station cashier check peoples ID when buying beer.  This is little different.