Or - another alternative if you’ve got a hankering for a chocolatey-peanutbuttery desert - my Chocolate Peanut butter pie recipe:
Or - another alternative if you’ve got a hankering for a chocolatey-peanutbuttery desert - my Chocolate Peanut butter pie recipe:
I mean I assumed any sort of electronic display would have to be vector graphics, entirely powered by an analog computer.
Right, most international students are in fact subsidizing the education of domestic students. They’re often paying the full boat tuition, if they’re at a state university they’re paying out of state tuition, and as a bonus, we’re taking them into our country, during some of the most formative years of their lives,…
You know, I kind of think they are...
Classic Caesar!
As far as small-ish gas grills go, I’ve been really happy with my Weber Q. It’s small enough to be reasonably portable, can run off of those little green propane cylinders, or off a big one with an adapter if you’re using it on a regular basis in a non portable situation, and is big enough to use as a main go-to grill…
Ok, so when I hit “about 60 charcoal briquettes” I exclaimed ‘oh, Jesus Christ!’ and said a prayer for that poor, poor Weber knockoff...
Oh it’s more than that, it’s also a grifting operation to benefit lapierre and the other nra head honchos.
Shut up Leonard. I found your YouTube page. What’s the point of reviewing frozen pizza?
As a white guy, I got totally suckered by the “Google it!”, but then was like “That’s totally fair.” (I did anticipate the “Fuck Off” though, and loved every minute of it.)
Mostly a matter of owning the little things to deflect from the big ones, the show’s humor at the expense of its host was just a long run of ego-fluffing humblebrags, essentially.
Hey, those employees are required to wipe their hands on their pants after using the restroom. What more could you ask for?
He flies off, and then Deadpool yells that Wolverine can’t fly, and he turns around and yells back “I keep telling you, I’m Hugh Jackman, not Wolverine!”
And he goes around calling himself omniscient... sheesh!
Not without the advanced propulsion package it isn’t, that’s for sure! (damn autocorrect!)
Clearly that’s the hyperspace bypass alignment sensor. When you’re in the vicinity of a hyperspace on-ramp the gauge will activate, and guide you to proper alignment. Once you’re on the correct trajectory, the lightspeed jump button will activate, and allow you to initiate a jump to warp speed.
This is really one of the places where having smartplugs shines. Set up a good system of box fans in windows to get airflow in your home, some going in, some going out, with some smaller fans in the interior to help create circulation and an airflow pattern.
Just use parallel construction “lawyers who are men” -> “lawyers who are women”. That doesn’t sound strange, and probably is more appropriate in context, where their primary characteristic is ‘lawyer’ not their sex.
And don’t forget to squeeze the lemon rind in his eyes first.