The Penultimate Burger
The Penultimate Burger
I was just going to post an update to reflect that. I suppose in hindsight, it’s more fuel for the “Batman is the real person, Bruce Wayne is the disguise” fire...
These people are completely delusional.
Knowing Hallmark (and Fuller House’s) target demo—white, Christian, conservative Americans—it’s
mind-bogglingcompletely predictable that Loughlin wouldn’t at least offer some semblance of an apology.
I would recommend this:
The real deals were the friends we made along the way. Remember Shep is a gold box deal, so get one quick while supplies last!
The real deals were the friends we made along the way. Remember Shep is a gold box deal, so get one quick while…
Yeah, I believe that’s the one I was thinking of, and it probably was Dick Grayson after all.
Plus, this is a classic Batman gambit right? Get someone else to pretend to be Batman, while you’re out there making yourself an alibi. I think in an episode of BTAS it was actually Alfred he got to put on the Bat suit as well...
I’d make up some sort of joke about getting on the George Soros payroll, but I’m afraid that mocking idiots who believe in those sorts of conspiracy theories would somehow only make them stronger, as it seems to do with the flat earthers, so I’ll save my sarcasm for targets with the intelligence to actually comprehend…
And in the modern world, you often don’t even need to bankroll the propaganda to start with. It’s likely someone out there is producing what you want, you just need to find them and promote the heck out of them.
SOP on the right is to hand them out as part of some fundraising grift. “Donate $50 to the lock her up ‘legal fund’ and get a free copy of failson #1's new book!”
His prison attire should definitely include some sort of hat, because making the other inmates look at his freakishly misshapen dome has got to qualify as some sort of cruel and unusual punishment.
That was the word on the street. Haven’t heard much about it lately, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
Honestly, anything that leaks out of stephen miller should be deeply concerning. It’s bound to be toxic as hell whatever it is.
I would visit over there occasionally, just for the non-sports stuff. Since the mass firing, I’ve edited my hosts file so I don’t inadvertently get tricked into giving them any traffic.
That would only work on non-cursed vehicles though.
It’s also a good idea to bring along trivets/potholders, just to make sure there’s something to put your dish on, if it’s hot.
That’s not warp speed, that’s hyperspace!
Because it’s going to be a fictional show, and not a documentary? Because we live in more modern times, and we’d like to try to be at least a little better about representation and try to be a little less racist?
+12 Monkeys