
LA and California's 100% EV agenda is exactly why I applaud the CARB waiver being revoked. An immature technology shouldnt be forced on 42% of the nation’s populace because their politicians sit on the same side of the aisle. Adopt a strict single national standard that accomodates everyone’s transportation not just

Shouldnt it be a special comb?

Toyota considered adopting the design, but quickly scuttled the idea.

hmm... do they offer a version for the mall?   i could use one this week.

Hot take: third-gen Novas (the fast ones at least) are cooler than second-gen Camaros.

I see more “real” muscle cars with these things than any other type of car.

When craftsmen were finishing the Nantes Cathedral in France, they would often carve small birds intricately into the tops of columns and moldings, even out of the view of people in the cathedral. When asked why they went to so much trouble for something that nobody could appreciate, they simply replied “People may

Is that a Mitsubishi Diamante? (Damn, I need a life)

Trains are Cyclopses (Cyclopes)

30 seconds of 600KWs is just 5KWHs.

I said this last time, but I am 1000% here for a Formula E “Gas Man” that is an absolute hulk carrying around an outrageous cable with a giant pin & sleeve receptacle normally used for welding.

However, it is currently unclear if that 30 second time limit is supposed to charge the whole battery, or if it is intended to provide a boost in battery power without actually fully recharging it.

So they just gave up and admitted that the Xbox is basically a PC and just made a PC tower. That’s cool, the design is solid.

His comment is dumb, but honestly so is this article. I know you gotta find a way in to talk about this, but no one would mind if you tried a little harder.

[reading] . . . this has to be satire . . . [re-reading] . . . maybe it’s real? . . . [re-reading] . . . poster is definitely Elon and it’s real

Im worried for him Matt... can you ungrey me by chance?

Legit question: if this thing was actually bullet proof and armored, how does if fare in crash safety. Are there forward crumple zones? What about the 5MPH pedestrian test or whatever? 

“I hit stupid orange cones all the time, ON PURPOSE, because, like Elon, I realize they serve no useful purpose except to hold back a multitide ofimbeciles like you, sitting in your cars, slaves to one stupid little orange cone.”

Wow... biased much in the news? Bad journalism 101 and you passed with extra points. Leave your depressive feelings aside and stick to the facts.