
Big congratulations to Lewis. I’m a big Schumacher fan and will always be so, and I rooted for Alonso over Lewis many times, but it’s still great to see him breaking and chasing records. I truly believe that he will be considered the GOAT when it’s all said and done (I know some already think he is, which I’m fine

Ferrari has really made it hard to watch races as a Ferrari fan. It is stunning how badly they do considering their qualifying position.

Well earned win for Valteri, Lewis overrode his team’s strategy and very nearly managed to win it on a one-stop if the tires hadn’t finally fallen off at the very end. Lewis finishes up his latest championship and I expect next year it’s on to #7.

That was a damn good race for COTA. Shame about Mags bringing out the double-yellow in S2 at the end, or Max might have made it... exciting. I’m a Ferrari guy, so it sucks to see them have such a bad showing; Vettel’s suspension failure could have been catastrophically dangerous so I’m glad it was just a retirement

WHO COULD POSSIBLY HAVE PREDICTED THIS?! Well, me ... and pretty much everyone else, except for the people who run LAX, apparently.

Accessibility is terrible, for the most part. It’s sad.

two words: Bob Hope

LAX has been a shit show in the receiving area for a few years because of Uber and Lyft. Its so bad that I just park and pay the fee because its a nightmare to maneuver and I have seen a ton of fender benders with ride share drivers. I did a pick up and was about to turn out of the curb when an Uber came rushing in

I was just at LAX this morning (9:30 AM) to pick up my wife at International. I was surprised how smooth traffic flow along the mainstreet was. The new policy looks like it freed up space, where you would usually see rows of cars taking up all of the pick-up lane. Shuttles using the inner lane alongside the airport

I was visiting family in LA area and they ask that I please fly in anywhere but LAX and they will come pick me up. I flew into Long Beach. Cool little airport.

I am with you.  Its not like Uber has been around that long.  What did people do before that?  Just suck it up.  You are at one of the busiest airports in the freaking world.

Only people that think this is shit are people who don’t live here.  Going to LAX turned into a nightmare because all you had was rideshare drivers circling the terminals.  Pretty much every other airport I have been to that has this system has similar wait times because now the uber drivers are not just taking up

Could be worse. Each rideshare could come with a very obtrusive autoplaying ad.

Also: hop on a hotel shuttle bus and hail ride from hotel BAR.

You’re right. Per yesterday’s LA Times, taxis also have to go to this new lot. And as for “ hoping to avoid taxis...”, I doubt that anyone actively tries to avoid taxis. It’s just many people don’t even think about taxis, and they feel better doing the transaction on their phone. I often end up using a

It could easily take 45 minutes to get a Lyft before this went into effect. Swarms of empty cars going to every terminal to pick up individual people was a terrible system, I think this will be better once people get used to it.

Logan in Boston started a similar thing this week, though they are phasing terminals in.  Obviously nowhere near as big as LAX, so the walk is only 5 minutes and there is no need for a shuttle.  

I support the idea of charging in FE races. Would add a dynamic to the strategy giving drivers more power available after a pit stop. Depending on the charging system it could provide a competitive advantage too.

I also support the idea of emailing G-O Media CEO Jim Spanfeller at to let him know what

Women are not banned from ANY FIA racing series.  At all.  Not one.  In fact i cant even think of one women havent actually competed in.

The whole point is to give women a feeder series men are banned from (no such male series exists). So this makes total sense.

Reminder: Equity is not Equality.

Laguna Seca could barely support a full IndyCar grid, there’s no way they have the space to support an F1 event. COTA is really the only realistic option for an F1 venue that doesn’t involve bankrupting already existing tracks to get them up to FIA standards.