
From above:

Because they’re cool! & it’s the perfect vehicle for when you and 4 friends want to get off the beaten path and dont care about fuel economy. Bonus points if the Pradeo’s top comes off too!

I kid. I just want a 2-door version of the 4-door version of the original 2-door version.

Because not everyone needs the utility of the second set of doors. In the case of the Prado, you lose wheelbase and overall length along with the doors, improving maneuverability if you go off road. It’s why Jeep still makes the 2 door Wrangler. Then we have looks, do you think a 3 series looks better than a 4

Are you telling me that the Armada has been essentially a low-key Land Cruiser competitor this whole time??

“low mileage, well maintained and only driven locally, tasteful safety mods added” tongue firmly in cheek on that info...

Tom, thanks for helping my pal Larry out by finding a buyer for his Raptor!  You are a well connected guy!

Yeah, but being treated as an employee is going to mean having to act like one, with everything that entails. Minimum hours, rigid schedules, quotas.

Yeah I’m guessing many will bail when being treated like a full employee means having to act like a full employee, with schedules, quotas, uniforms, and the like.

Except that’s not a point. The drivers would be worthless without the platform to handle everything else.

You can drive for Lyft, Uber and your local cab company, at the same time! Pretty sure that makes you independent.

Not only that but many drivers user multiple apps at the same time, take jobs from whichever app is paying the most at the time.

This is the point I’m really not getting....

The second someone becomes an employee.... then while you get Employee protections, you also now have employee responsibilities and oversight... some major things that Gig workers appear to LIKE about their gigs.

No boss, no set hours, etc.

Yeah it sounds like contract work to me. You never HAVE to work, you can pick up individual contracts when you want to. It’s really not much different than someone asking if you’ll help them move for $50...that move might take 10 hours, so you’re under minimum wage, but you agreed to it. Similarly, Uber offers you the

What do you define as SUV things, out of curiosity?

SUVs are not commuters. Buy a sedan.

Yes, it’s in the dealer right now and I’m driving an Evoque.

I think about that a lot. I’m honestly not sure. It would be really hard to justify it for sure. I think a lot of people just let these issues go (parking sensors, horn) or find some permanent fix where they lose the feature (steering column, air suspension).

We took it to Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket earlier this year!