
Let’s also remember it was the engine, in the car, that launched Because Racecar.

It’s in the state of Minneapolis, which I believe is in East Virginia.

So then that means... if you look into the sky the car will fly...

Now playing

Clive Owen did this in the Star BMW Film, with a snap for emphasis:

There are no female Mustangs... part of what makes reproduction so tricky.

A murder of Mustangs? Seems ironic, but OK.

“And that a lot of obvious jokes were probably made across the internet.”

I think you might call it an Incompetence of Mustangs.

Yeah, imagine having to live in Florida. Really sad.

Came here to post this - well done, beat me to it.

I thought the bridge was held up with thoughts and prayers.

don’t forget the Ford Pegasus!

Perhaps inconveniencing traffic for a bit longer would have been worth it.

more like held together with #thoughtsandprayers

I have a feeling this will be one of those cases future engineers learn about in class.

They were using a new method to build the bridge? What was the method? using Elmer’s glue?

Fiesta and Focus with a lift kit would be the EcoSport and Escape.

“me, an affable dipshit.”

Me, trying to decipher this mystery: “...Honda NS...3000GT...Nismo?”