
Kimi actually smiles quite a bit... just not when he’s talking to any sort of official media person. He fucking hates doing that shit.

Yeah. It’s not my cup of tea, but I’d love for it to exist for the same reason that I enjoy seeing the Juke around: it’s something different and goofy that breaks up the otherwise bland sea of CUVs that all look the same. And, if it sells, it might make other manufacturers actually put more innovative products on the

No it wouldn’t. If Rosberg finished 3rd he’d have lost 10 points where he could have only lost 2. The only way to keep his slim title chances alive were to win in the US (and every other race while hoping for Lewis to retire at like 2 of them). Only Vettel would still be in the fight, but then if Vettel doesn’t win

yeah...its kinda true. I will never forgive them for doing that to the LX.

The GT-R is repulsive.

I like the Flex!

If you answer anything other than Lexus you are lying to yourself or actually blind. I was going to say Toyota, but only the Camry and Corolla make me want to vomit. The Forerunner looks bad ass and makes up for it.

Oh, man. I love chicken wings so much. The only problem is that my knowledge of “hot” seems to be far and beyond what New York considers hot. I want to feel pain and poop fire for the next week. Bring me hot.

No. Rosberg would still be eliminated from WDC contention. He would still have a 76+ point deficit to Hamilton. It’s just that Vettel would have less than a 76 point deficit so Vettel could still theoretically win the WDC, but Rosberg still could not.

Have to say, that was one of the best moves I have ever seen in all my years of watching F1. I texted a friend at the same time he was texting me, just to say how cool that was.

I lived in the south for awhile and had a coworker who was in his 40s and a very big NASCAR fan. One day we were shooting the shit and I asked him what the appeal was since I had never gotten into it but loved most other sports. His answer? “Well when you go to the track you can buy these headsets and tune them to a

His best statement was “[Sainz] is trying to push me off the track, if this is legal i will do the same”

I love Kimi - he’s literally the only reason I even bother to follow F1.

Not really a complaint as much as it is a fact when they’ve hospitalized 4 different family members in the past 5 years. They’re an unnecessary risk.

Congrats on being the first Jalop today to click on a motorcycle article just to complain about motorcycles!

Was just looking into this the other day in preparation for my purchase of an Xbox One. Thank for posting this very helpful. :)

Was just looking into this the other day in preparation for my purchase of an Xbox One. Thank for posting this very

Even in a nice, relatively large NYC apartment you'll have to choose between kinect and furniture. I'm weighing my options. After thirty, it's tough to justify nothing but bean bag chairs.

I'm getting for the over-all experience. People aren't happy about the DRM set up but they are allowing you remotely share your games with your friends. That means your broke friend across town or country doesn't actually have to come over to borrow or play your games. How is that not awesome?

I'm serious, actually. I plan on buying the X1 over the PS4 because I like the X1's exclusives more.

The tech behind the new Kinect is fucking amazing.