isn’t that how hypermiling works? you’re more aerodynamic at high speeds
isn’t that how hypermiling works? you’re more aerodynamic at high speeds
Try the NBC sports app. Thats how I ended up watching it since they didn’t even broadcast it
They didnte even broadcast the race here. On any other their channels. I’m subscribing to sky sports. I’m done with NBC after this one.
There are a total of 3 tracks in LA county. It's also a city where everything is far away, so everyone drives. So stupid people be stupid and don't stuff like this.
I apologize for my harsh comment earlier. Great counter argument, and I genuinely don’t see how a .03 change would actually have any real world impact. It is definitely a cash grab. Most people do not take alcohol that well, or do not know their limits. I’ve just needed to bury too many friends to be fine with someone…
We do it all the time, so I think I'm able to weigh in. I assume you are one of the piece of shit irresponsible people that drink and drive every time you go out?
Being responsible when drinking is not drinking at all when you are going to drive. Just rotate designated drivers. Or take a taxi. If you have money to get drunk, you have money for a ride home.
Thank you for having some logic. Get fucked up, but be responsible. Here is a star.
Omg I forgot that existed.
Can I I subscribed and resubscribe? I hit subscribe on that channel the day it came out. I'm happy it's grown so fast. Oh if I'm gray, pretty please ungray me. 😬 Your friends at black flag and lane splitters did. I don't even own a bike! Thanks. Oh happy new year.
You are right. I’ve seen someone try to shove the diesel nozzle in their tank. After watching for a couple of minutes, I decided to put said person out of her misery and shot her. She decerved it. I was doing God’s work.
This is horribly blasphemous. You will be condemned to eternal hell where you will burn in the fire of the engines from fiat 500s which would be Jesus because Italian and hip. The momma would be the fiat 500xl. The pops a Dodge Charger.
There are a few news organizations that refuse to say the name, and instead show the faces and stories of the victims. That is the way is should be. Take the attentions off the killers, remember the people affected, and help provide some closure to the community.
The issue is not reporting these situations. The problem is showing the faces of the shooters, and plastering their names on every screen. They live in infamy thanks to the shit reporters battling to be the first to show their faces.
If you don't want to sleep on the street it costs a grand. You still have to factor in the cost of hotel, and parking passes.
How do you select the pen names for the people writing you letters? Do you pick out of a hat, or just remember a name shouted out on your Starbucks run that day? Just funny how it's always a different fake name
Wow that was cool.
That would essentially make it a paperweight correct? ‘merika! ( yes our laws are horrendous, I agree with you on that.) here is a star.
Wow someone is mad. I touch a nerve did I? Are you one of the people that got fucked by vw? I bet you are. It's okay. Enjoy your car that no one will buy when you need to get rid of, and America might not even let register. 😘
Different market? Good insight, but there would be no way of proving they had that sale. They can't steal something you never actually had. Those people could have purchased a volt or other fuel sipping vehicle. Good insight though, if it would stand grounds in court, hell yes Toyota should sue, but I don't see how…