But it's not cute.
But it's not cute.
Those rods. 😆Oh and star for you.
Way too bumpy. I would love to watch that, but no.
And and and get this. He gets a podium. Omg. I'm scared guys.
That's a gorgeous color.
Is there one in la? Please. Il dress up and stuff.
So this was about a Miata? Cool. Here’s your jalopnik star for today. And on to browse for some bikes again and try to convince my wife that yes I love her and wanna spend forever with her but like 2 wheels and leather and vroom vroom and wind in my helmet.... Tough decision there. And pch is like 20 mins away. And…
Il volunteer. I'm joking of course. Sadly people won't see the correlation with rolling a stop, or going 2 over the limit, or passing on the right, because I'm their world that's perfectly fine since they do it always. Those petty crimes are just as bad as what the biker did, and they should also be ran over with a…
Great point in it not being justifiably seen as murder. If it would be charged as a murder, the case would be thrown out, because it doesn't hit the points required for murder. Great comment.
And he got his punishment. Shut the fuck up already. I hope you get t-boned next time you speed.
Great write. Seeing both sides. Seeing both people are imperfect, but having enough iq to realize that attempted murder isn't justified in this case. I don't understand the phsycos in the comments, how they see this act as being justified because of some villshit technicalities. Violence is only justified if it is a…
Gt3. Or formula cars. With dynamic weather. That alone makes this game better than anything else on the market. I wanna be able to put onto drys and just as I'm getting out of the pits it's starts to sprinkle and screws up my whole strategy. I genuinely love that balance between guessing, luck, and strategy.
When people started putting roof racks on cars. Oh wait wait it was the hipsters. That's who did it.
Omg I love this guy. He was an old customer of ours in south Cali. One day he just dissapered and we feared he worst. Then this clip shows up 2 years later. He was always quiet a character, and yes this is him all the time.
He's real. He was an old customer of our company. One day he just dissapered. We feared he worse. Then this clip goes viral. That guy was always a character.
How do you know he's from Cali? He is btw he's an old customer of ours, but how did you know?!
On pc or xbone? What's your gamer tag?
You're on jalopnik. Where brown manual wagons come to live. All dogs go to heaven. All wagons go to jalopnik.
With the hydros! I would get up on sidewalks and then bounce till I got some wicked air. (I don't say wicked in real life, but it fit in this statement)
Is that game dead now that forza is out? I went on it recently after being pissed off at the forza bumper car lobbies and I found literally no online matches. Non at all.