
There is no problem with the actual article. The headline is what's in question here. Just put spoilers ahead or some crap. I don't understand why that is so hard. Good article btw. But just fix the headline.

Great frekin pick! I'm in love with this song. It sounds like their swoon album again. The album that made me fall in love with them.

That's evil. That's the final test to see if you master stick. I've been there in a 01 gt on Hollywood hills. At night. At a red. With a truck behind me. And iffy tires ( friends car, so I don't even know the clutch bite point)

Aww look it's speed channel

I just kept scrolling and scrolling. Said screw it he wrote all this lets see what he says. It was either going to be pure senseless stuff, or pure genius. Good short novel.

Great! Good read.

It was a “thing” that even my mother participated in. To this day she remembers Schumacher. She remembers senna, and although she doesn’t follow it anymore, if I mention I’m watching a race at 5am, she will ask what the outcome was.

First thing I did on my phone, before putting my wife's number in, my mother number in, before anything was install chrome. Then I tried to make a bookmark for jalopnik. You can't make home screen bookmarks on chrome. Wtf!!!! You can't do a lot of things on chrome that you can on safari, and t is slower on iPhones

In Guatemala we used to wake up early Sunday morning and instead of going to mass we would watch formula 1 as a family. My dad and grandfather were huge racing fans. If there was anything with wheels, it was on tv. I have been living in American since I was 5. I am now 23 yo. I don’t talk to my father, and I never got

Wait wait wait. Gm only got fined 35m wtf!

I met one of the unfortunate people to be in a jeep that got rear ended. His arm and face were melted off in the accident. He has horrible scaring now and lost his left eye amount other things. Yes this is a real issue, and it was not addressed when it should have been.

Woooow. And star. Kay bye.


Uhm this is actually true. I've always thought it was it was common knowledge.

Apple handy capped it big time on their os. They don't want a better browser than safari on their phones. I tries chrome on here and it is nothing compared to the flawless design on an android or windows pc. Safari is by far the glitchiest web browser out there, but it's still better than a neutered chrome browser

Those choking bastards of a seatbelt. Why does my car wanna kill me!!!!??!

Here is the problem. When you get ejected from the car, and thrown across either the payment or some poor bystanders hood, you can cause another accident. And while you lay on the floor drying immediately after the collision, someone will have to dodge your soon to be corpse and hit someone head on killing themselves

I I I thought like that that was like real.... No ford f50??

Chrome or gtfo. (I’m surfing on safari on my iPhone. Piece of shot iPhones can’t use damn chrome godImissmyandroiduggfhhhhhhhhsggajj

Have some of my fight. Do it in the name of men everywhere!