
Go grab a piece of 1/4’’ round aluminum. Now go break your fucken bone you piece of shit. Which one was harder to break? Got your answer? Now go fuck yourself with th me aluminum.

You won't have to pay jack. And I hope someone is not petty enough to ask for money when they potentially caused more damage and even injured people thanks to their lack of common sense.

That race should have been red flagged alright after that first crash. The conditions were aweful. Idk when f1 will learn that Japan in a tsunami is place for a race.

Yes it would. Over something that could have been avoided. That's what is really sad.

I like the wheels under the car too. I've never done that but have seen some do it before. Definitely starting now

That's an accident waiting to happen

So we can't just call them traffic collisions and be done with this Twitter bullshit that won't get anything done after something else is trending 10 minutes from now? While I agree many collisions are not accidental, calling them a crash is the most absurd thing to get worked up about. Someone died. Let's bitch about

The biker has an amazing amount of self control. I would probably be in jail for attempted murder if I was in his shoes. specially after he touched my wife. Great ways handle it. Great job.

Well that was cool. Too bad it's still a. Print series with so much potential of it was aloud to get creative.

I love this video. The Frekin bear is the best

Oh god.

It would have gone very smooth but we took 1 hour taking off the main bearing bolt. And after everything failed my trick of using the starter to losen it was finally taken into consideration. (Put the wrench on the bolt, brace the breaker bar on the frame somewhere where it will not move, bump the starter. This will

The water pump had not failed yet. We were hanging out and had bought the parts to do the required 100k timing belt change and were too excited to waiting lol the morning. So we decided to start taking everything apart at 1. Not out of necessity but out of boredom and excitement. I don’t understand to this day why on

I do that all the time. But my car is a 90 s13. No cool gauge thingy which would be depressing since it would show 20.

Yours is probably not as bad as the time we changed a water pump on a Miata. At 1 am. And it started to rain. In California. We are in a drought....

Oh it is satire. Wow. I was kinda confused here. Long day brain is off.

Did you redo it then and there? I would have just walked away for a week

The last time my starter died last week in the mall parking lot I tried the hitting it with a mallet trick. Didn't work. I tried for half an hour. I couldn't push it out alone since I poked downhill against a wall. My friend came by to help me push and we tried to bump start it. I failed the first try, turned my key

Which has happened three times in the last two years. And I drive maybe 3000 miles a year. My car loves eating turbos for dinner.

Hahahahaha. Omg that's amazing. I actually laughed out loud. Loser.