
Oh you wanna fall in love with f1. Watch senna. And remember that he believed God wanted him to win. Yes senna believed he had a God given right to win. Growing up hearing the mystique of senna and watching shumi become a legend cemented my love for formula 1. Now we just wait for it to be amazing once more. Bigger

Once you start following the “drama” like kimi not having a seat next year and trying to prove himself, you start to love it again. Seeing him crash in Austria was heartbreaking. And knowing that it was likely a car glitch like in canada was infuriating. He deceives a chance. A real chance. Same as Alonso. He deserves

It’s definitely the car I might buy next if I need the room and can’t justify buying a Miata. I love that 28ish is okay. I can’t get 20 on my 240. I’ve learned to just enjoy it despite how thirsty it is.

My good sir, have you seen a brilliant idea today? If not I have something to show yooooouuu.

NASCAR pit stops compared to f1 are almost three times as slow, but they are amazing to watch. The guy with a frekin jack lifting a car and running with a frekin jack to the other side of the car and repeating the lift. It's just amazing. The lug guy not missing every single time. That's just insane. It's muscle

They have a 100kg tank. They may not carry more than that for the race. They can not exceed a fuel flow of 100kg/ hour. Races are usually around an hour 45 mins. So they are concervingn fuel for the majority of the race. I'm sorry you're watching f1 now. I'm a huge f1 fan and I hate what it has become. The races can

The Murano is an excellent car. Very roomy, very comfortable, pretty well equipped, with a great engine. I can not understand why people don’t love it.

I am a Nissan fanboy. So Hun disclaimer I guess. I have an s13. I also own a Sentra as the family car. Il why a boring as Sentra? Because it’s a Nissan. I want a 240z and a 1600 more than anything in the world, ( well besides happyness and stuff) and yet Nissan is lost in my eyes at the moment. They still make their

Uhm wait that's kinda genius. Wow.

Nbc spots kept asking for it during they're broadcast and we got every shot, even the helicopter shot that cut off kimi right before the accident, but no Alonso for whatever reason. Stupid f1

With onboard from Alonso we would be able to tell. But no one showed that.

He was genuinely worried for him, and it seemed like he was showing kimi that there were no hard feelings. It had the potential to be a career or life ending accident, but everyone walked away. Sportsmanship at its finest. Too bad kimi was too pissed to shake his hand.

What a great pass. I was like, oh god here it comes. Here comes the boom. 😟 then he sailed away like Pegasus on the Jolly Roger. All mystical and shit.

Well craftsman might have done the same. So Mac tools it is. :) oh ungray yay

They should invest in better tools by now. No more harbor freight stuff. Let’s go mac. At least it made the end of the race pretty exciting, so thank you for that.

Get out!

This isn’t as good as that “Cars!” Post a few weeks ago. Now that was the best. Next can we do like a flip up headlights post? It can go something like uhm oh. Cars with eyes. Floppy eyes. Done.


What are the secret vehicles and how can I access them? I gotta do my laundry next week ( did it yesterday) and I must know before then so I can blow my laundry money on a game.

Thank you. Will make note. In sure this is the same for other races?