
Yeah that I know. The nascar part. Now why can't we just put a similar design on the side pods? The vertical stakes would keep the air from running cleanly over the pods and over the rear wheels since it would have to go around the stakes, making it slow down a bit and resultin in turbulent air when it gets to the

That would create so much turbulence of they put them on the pods don't you think?

If it wasn't an aero problem like most people are saying, you wouldn't have see. The car almost flip in the crash also. I really wonder if ots just the floor that's creating the lift , or the rear wings suddenly working backwards. They showed the floor of some recently and I don't understand how that would creat the

I hope you're wrong. But it seems like this is extremely probable. The crashes have been really nasty. I wish everyone the best, but am expecting the worst

This will never be played out. Turbo for life

That's such a cool little turbo dude. Is it also gonna have a hyperdrive teams axle with extra boost tanks and uhm..... Like super cold running water pumps. I'm sorry I suck at this haha. It's always easier to put it the. To take it out. Surprisingly easy. Once I took 30 mins to take my starter out after removing all

I never understood how they're able to do that. I can't think of another racing series where qualifying cars are as different from race spec as Indy. It's a totally different car. One thing is gearing and suspension geometry, another is a completely different frekin car. At least they sorted that awful rule out this

Perfect explanation. That’s how I see it too. Yes it didn’t flip this time, but it did leave the ground for an instance when it should have just slid or carried on to the infield. Something keeps creating lift in this aero kit when either going backwards or after a crash. This needs to get figured out before a tragedy

It’s okay I just found out like 2 weeks ago. I felt just as stupid then as I'm sure you feel now. Just remember. MIATA.

I bought an m-tech once. It’s started breaking after 3 months of carrying. Never again. One of the most dangerous things is a cheap blade/ dull blade. I’ve accidentally have cut myself at work many times with a dull blade, since it will grab instead of slice whatever I’m trying to cut, kick up and then cut my hand or

Wtf..... That took forever to scroll though on this shit iPhone.

One last story and i’ll leave you alone. When I was 5 years old, my dad and I were crossing the street, and an officer flashed his lights and asked us to the car. He congratulated my dad for holding my hand as we crossed and gave me a toy fire engine. I’m 23 now, and this still memory still remains with me today. I

I fully understand the perspective, and I wish people saw this somehow. Testimony from a real officer that seems to have his head screwed on straight. In all the times I’ve encountered police, I’ve been treated with a surprising amount of respect. Sometimes I was just with the wrong people at the wrong time, or we

It really seems to be the media’s agenda recently to bash cops; yet even in the recently protests in the east coast, shots of cops and normal citizens kept creeping out showing beautiful bond forming. A cop in full riot gear sitting down while a little girl just talked to him and showed him her toys. A few people

I’ve used my s&w for about 4 years now. I keep going back to it. They don’t make them like they used to.

I keep eyeing a few spiderco and gerbers online, but do I really need more knifes? And I want one with a glass breaker. Cool stuff though. And the leek has always been a great looker.

Oh tongue in cheek? Gotcha. just amazes me that people really have that mentality. Someone is less likely to try to do something stupid if they know the other person is properly armed to defend himself.

Great points. Thank you for protecting whatever city you do, even with our country’s current hatred of cops everywhere. Also, it’s great that you appreciate your wife, being her bodyguard always protecting her. Sadly few men are still out there with that mentality. Anyways, a genuine thank you, and remember, although

A lot can happen by the time the police shows up. They’re not superman. And a lot of people have little trust in cops nowadays. Just two nights ago I was driving back to my house after a late dinner with my wife and there was a cop car parked in the middle of the street with its lights flashing. I slowed down since I
