
This looks familiar ...vita? Lmfao

Is ps4 running XV 1080p 60fps? He said it's the best and Xbox is locked at 900p? I have both, I play more on Xbox but I obviously want the sexy version cause if it's 1080p 30fps then screw it lmao might as well Xbox it

Yaaaaaassss Nyren. Give this a man a cardboard box stand and a Xbox one manual. He will preach his ideal teachings to those who are closed minded. Especially the pony’s

So, double jumping and wall running will be made possible in the near future?

Exo-Skeleton = Futuristic

How often do you update your graphics card? Checkmate.

That’s your fault kid. Play something else

So you won’t bitch about upgrading your phone, but complain when a new Xbox drops? Get out of here & Xbox one s is $300 and a good gpu 400+ (One of many pieces of a pc). Go to /r/PC and complain there. Console is a convience.

No it's not, going on YouTube and putting 4k turns half of my 4K tv green lmao I want all around support

Feels like a destiny raid. 10/10 will buy day 1 lmfao

Cool go ahead. Goodbye.

Xbox one , Xbox one S and Scorpio? He said all 3

What made it op was the Wolfpack rounds. Year 3 we’re getting Chihuahaua rounds lmfao

Dam bro. Might as well play all the other KH game you got time

Cool story bro. I care.

Finally, go to the hospital for Cat scans due to spinal injury

This game is mad easy, this article is nonsense. Pick a character. Read the moves. Play before the game officially starts. Go out there have fun and play for the objective. Win. Easy kills. Done

Reguardless kotaku/kinja don’t have to pay anyone shit. Freedom of press; whatever is public I can use. Sites like YouTube is a different story; accept the contract and get into their internet capitalism

It's whatever, reminds me of Monday night combat; this games going to last until September...Prob early August

That's why it's up to YOU the consumer to decide what to invest your money in. Buyers Beware.