Salome Medici

This. I watched an entire season of This is Us, basically against my will (during a group vacation, and I was outnumbered), and I’m still angry about it. That maudlin shit is terrible and yes, very Sparks-esque. This is Us is basically what would come out if Nicholas Sparks and the assholes behind Brothers and Sisters

Their entire “love story” is a textbook case of grooming. If her claims of abuse by Mia are true, far from discrediting the idea that he groomed Soon-Yi, it would have made her a more likely target. Abusers will often pose as “saviors” to get troubled children to trust them. He’s scum.

I hope they change it to the dedication to his grandma. Goes to show family is important.

His whole rant seems like an abuser. The way he keeps calling her “sis”. The way he is insinuating that she is not over him. His explanation that the altercations were what most couples deal with -- umm most couples have arguments NOT altercations. He is trying to control the narrative and make her seem like a crazy, j

Yup... You just captured a horrible aspect of music culture perfectly...

Politics is bad, twitter is poison, put them together and you see the worst of people. Progressive, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, doesn’t matter people are blinded by politics and twitters anonymity brings out the worse in them. Thank you for being a sane and decent person.

Yay, I found a sane person!

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

In case my star wasnt recorded, because why in the world would kinja work well with Android, it's only 2018 after all, plus one Doubt.

Was raised Roman Catholic and can confirm that is a thing we do with baseballs.  So we don’t do...other stuff.  

Sister Mary is second to nun.

Between Mary Jo’s fastball and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that’s going to be a lot of retired priests.  

I don’t think that’s a living space, it’s the hallway leading to the balcony,no? If so, it has to be decorated as well since the royals use it between the balcony and the room where they get photographed after being on the balcony. I think it’s been on the palace tour in the past too so it's a "public" space.

Oh no! Not a blue hallway full of old paintings! Essie, bring my fainting chair and the smelling salts! I’m about to have the vapors!

Count me among those Em fans scratching his head about the sudden praise for Relapse. With the exception of “Deja vu”, “Beautiful”, and maybe “Insane”, that album was very forgettable. Almost as lackluster as Encore. Recovery and MMLP2 were much better.

Basically entirely

I suppose it just comes down to what you want from an Eminem album in 2017. What else can he do? His old shocky schtick can’t fly anymore. If he had released ‘Kim’ in this day and age he’d be drawn and quartered. And not wrongly either.

I think a big part of the problem with late-era Eminem releases is the disconnect between what made him famous in hip-hop circles and what made him famous in pop circles.

Eminem is a technically gifted rapper and a bad artist. And now there are Soundcloud rappers who weren’t even born the last time he was making something interesting. When Em first dropped it wasn’t that white guys couldn’t rap, it was that there is nothing the white guys could rap about without making themselves a

Dre isn’t writing his own lines, let alone someone else’s.