
If you forbade recycled pitches, Hollywood would become the quietest town in America.

The theory was that vaccines are safe, but that kids tend to get massive amounts of vaccine in one sitting.

I’m guessing you are young.

I’m going to bet that without the video being shared, that neighbour would be back again with another complaint. Now that she’s received some consequences for her behaviour, I doubt she will.

Because there are levels of “weird” that white people feel comfortable subjecting their neighbors of color to which they don’t feel comfortable subjecting their white neighbors to, and which they’d call the cops or pull a gun if their neighbors of color tried subjecting them to. Being a person of color means that some

It’s one thing to have to constantly catch microaggressions while at work or in line at the bank (or from actual bank tellers) but at your front door? Really? You’re gonna bring your opinions, lies, and complaints to my front door?

The Democratic party is the only one that represents the desire to continue civilization. The “other party” is the now the death cult determined to pull it all down to rubble and diseased bones.

It won’t work, because that isn’t the world Democrats exist in. It’s the same reason why people who say, “Democrats need to vote in lock-step and obstruct everything the GOP does” are misinformed as well.

Bruh, we built this country. I’ll be damned if I let those pieces of shit win this fight. Like the panthers before me, I’m not willingly handing it over to these fuck faces. I’m ready for war.

Fuck Back the Blue.

One thing that could be pretty good is if they can string together some of the conspiring messages on Gab or whatever the fuck service they were using.

We’re missing a great opportunity to make Trump’s idiot followers start wearing their pants backwards to own the libs.

The Obama 2020 Tour - No Luther Required.

It’s not ignorance, it’s indoctrination; they’re a cult.

if you think it makes sense and try to explain it away, you’re an idiot...Your explanation is stupid and so is anyone else

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

It is an awful big ask for a 17 year old with NFL aspirations to individually make the choice to forego an SEC school that has put several dozen players into the NFL in order to go to a HBCU that has put one or two players into the NFL.

Drugs are a hell of a drug!

If LAPD finds the shooter and instead of jail time gives him 2 weeks paid suspension, then I’ll be as upset about this attack as I am about all the other shit.