
Always assume the cop is lying.

Maybe we’re saying that sexual harassment is hard to sympathize with when it happens to somebody who was actively contributing to a pro-sexual-harassment media/political regime, in exchange for lots and lots of money.

I think even for people who sympathize with them, it is difficult to suppress anger that they seemed more than happy to ignore what was happening when it didn’t affect them directly.

Ding ding ding.

Just remember...

No it’s a shame it occurred to them and they don’t deserve it. However they don’t seem to give a shit about other people that are victims, in fact they work for Fox News a network promotes harassment, assault and harm to minorities, women, the LGBT+ community by being propaganda for the GOP and Trump. They’re selfish

I’m torn. On the one hand, this should happen to no one. On the other, she was and continues to be Megyn Kelly.

He had a fantastic bit about Gretchen Carlson as well. Something about her saying she didn’t know what voir dire is and then running around in her lingerie giggling while playing touch football.

every moment from the twirl?  Really??  That twirl was what made her reflect but still didn’t make her quit, go public, fight back, or bring suit against Fox & Ailes until some one else took those actions.

These women should have had the opportunity to read the insultingly transparent lies of a right-wing propaganda organ without having to suffer that kind of humiliating abuse.

Lolllll! Fat chick here and since you’re so concerned about sexiness let me assure you that I have zero issues getting the d. Take your self loathing projection out of here!

R Kelly is a perfect example of how art can't be separated from the artist. How can you ethically consume art without supporting the person who made it? How do you ignore the reflection of the artist's expression? You have to be heartless and willfully blind. It defeats the whole purpose of art.

He has been for decades. I was joking.

Exactly. This is not an arthouse exhibition, where each piece is to be debated over for it’s meaning. It’s a fucking campaign to get even the dumbest soccer fan to realize that throwing bananas into the pitch might just be a bad fucking idea.

“New York City taxpayers have to pay dearly for the bad judgment of officers who ripped a baby from a woman’s arms during a visit to a human resources office last December.”

start her own podcast

I doubt Alex Jones uses soap.

If only there were a way to avoid television content we weren’t interested in...

In his defense, he was stupid drunk in addition to his normal stupid.

If it were my decision I would’ve moved Taylor to first class.