
As much as I would love to see Oprah give 45 a vicious prison yard beating in a presidential election, I’d much rather see her continue to live her best life and be rich and unbothered lol.

See pops wearing the MAGA hat. Naw fuck kid and his family.

The difference is that most kids in his positon who aren’t white would not and have not gotten the same special attention from the media.

You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck what some shitstain troll thinks of them. Keep supporting misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, homophobic sexual predators.

Nah, you vote for Trump because you have a rancid dog turd where your soul should be.

Sorry, I reserve the bulk of my empathy and emotional energy for people who get needlessly fucked over because their skin isn’t the right shade, they don’t love the right people, they don’t speak the right language, they don’t worship the right god, or they don’t identify with the right gender, because we aren’t


Whoa, didn’t see that coming.

My husband and I run a martial arts school, and let me tell you, there are a LOT of people out there who are delusional about training and reaction times in crisis situations. To break it down: it takes, on average, three years to get to black belt level in our curriculum, and then we consider the student a “beginner”

An actual scarecrow wouldn’t have rolled in 80K a year.

This is a phenomenon that is particular to white dudes, just opening their mouths and interjecting their views WHEN NO ONE ASKED THEM. My brothers are always bewildered/incensed when I call them on this. Like, nobody called for your college dropout ass, Jethro. Sit down and let the grownups do the talking.

Even if this is actually true, who the fuck cares?

“Snitching Ass. Die Cracker,” the words spray-painted on the side of the Messina home read.

That being said, I wholeheartedly believe that within every individual is the ability to change their circumstances.

Go to your people. Tell them what you have learned.

I come into Clapback to see stupid get smacked hard and what do I get instead? Decency and kindness! What is this world coming to!

This is awesome. Thank you for publishing some positive ones...because the Holloway Epic was just TOOOO MUCH. SMH Goodness.

Its been said a million times, but it bears repeating: Cops are not special, extra shiny, exemplary people. They are human beings subject to the same biases, laziness, lapses of judgement, greed, fear, and all those other things all of us are. I’m not surprised that a cop didn’t run in to face a heavily armed guy,

They’re not there to provide security; they’re there to intimidate and terrorize certain people.

White guy here, giving my knee-jerk reacton: